David B. Wilson
Cited by
Cited by
Exact sampling with coupled Markov chains and applications to statistical mechanics
JG Propp, DB Wilson
Random Structures & Algorithms 9 (1‐2), 223-252, 1996
Generating random spanning trees more quickly than the cover time
DB Wilson
Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1996
Tug-of-war and the infinity Laplacian
Y Peres, O Schramm, S Sheffield, D Wilson
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 22 (1), 167-210, 2009
Fast exponentiation with precomputation
EF Brickell, DM Gordon, KS McCurley, DB Wilson
Workshop on the Theory and Application of of Cryptographic Techniques, 200-207, 1992
The determination of ecological status in shallow lakes—a tested system (ECOFRAME) for implementation of the European Water Framework Directive
B Moss, D Stephen, C Alvarez, E Becares, WVD Bund, SE Collings, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 13 (6), 507-549, 2003
Mutations in a new gene in Ellis-van Creveld syndrome and Weyers acrodental dysostosis
VL Ruiz-Perez, SE Ide, TM Strom, B Lorenz, D Wilson, K Woods, L King, ...
Nature genetics 24 (3), 283-286, 2000
Mixing times of lozenge tiling and card shuffling Markov chains
DB Wilson
The Annals of Applied Probability 14 (1), 274-325, 2004
How important is climate? Effects of warming, nutrient addition and fish on phytoplankton in shallow lake microcosms
B Moss, D McKee, D Atkinson, SE Collings, JW Eaton, AB Gill, I Harvey, ...
Journal of applied Ecology 40 (5), 782-792, 2003
How to get a perfectly random sample from a generic Markov chain and generate a random spanning tree of a directed graph
JG Propp, DB Wilson
Journal of Algorithms 27 (2), 170-217, 1998
The scaling window of the 2‐SAT transition
B Bollobás, C Borgs, JT Chayes, JH Kim, DB Wilson
Random Structures & Algorithms 18 (3), 201-256, 2001
Event-chain Monte Carlo algorithms for hard-sphere systems
EP Bernard, W Krauth, DB Wilson
Physical Review-Section E-Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 25 …, 2010
Chip-firing and rotor-routing on directed graphs
AE Holroyd, L Levine, K Mészáros, Y Peres, J Propp, DB Wilson
In and out of equilibrium 2, 331-364, 2008
Response of freshwater microcosm communities to nutrients, fish, and elevated temperature during winter and summer
D McKee, D Atkinson, SE Collings, JW Eaton, AB Gill, I Harvey, K Hatton, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (2), 707-722, 2003
Trees and matchings
RW Kenyon, JG Propp, DB Wilson
arXiv preprint math/9903025, 1999
SLE coordinate changes
O Schramm, DB Wilson
arXiv preprint math/0505368, 2005
How to couple from the past using a read‐once source of randomness
DB Wilson
Random Structures & Algorithms 16 (1), 85-113, 2000
Excited random walk
I Benjamini, D Wilson
Coupling from the past: A user's guide.
J Propp, D Wilson
Microsurveys in discrete probability 41, 181-192, 1997
Deconstruction of lignocellulose into soluble sugars by native and designer cellulosomes
S Moraïs, E Morag, Y Barak, D Goldman, Y Hadar, R Lamed, Y Shoham, ...
MBio 3 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 00508-12, 2012
Conformal radii for conformal loop ensembles
O Schramm, S Sheffield, DB Wilson
Communications in Mathematical Physics 288 (1), 43-53, 2009
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Articles 1–20