Sander Nijdam
Sander Nijdam
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The physics of streamer discharge phenomena
S Nijdam, J Teunissen, U Ebert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (10), 103001, 2020
Probing photo-ionization: experiments on positive streamers in pure gases and mixtures
S Nijdam, F Van De Wetering, R Blanc, EM Van Veldhuizen, U Ebert
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (14), 145204, 2010
Review of recent results on streamer discharges and discussion of their relevance for sprites and lightning
U Ebert, S Nijdam, C Li, A Luque, T Briels, E van Veldhuizen
Journal of Geophysical Research-Part A-Space Physics 116 (1), 2011
Probing photo-ionization: simulations of positive streamers in varying N2: O2-mixtures
G Wormeester, S Pancheshnyi, A Luque, S Nijdam, U Ebert
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (50), 505201, 2010
Probing background ionization: positive streamers with varying pulse repetition rate and with a radioactive admixture
S Nijdam, G Wormeester, EM Van Veldhuizen, U Ebert
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (45), 455201, 2011
Investigation of positive streamers by double-pulse experiments, effects of repetition rate and gas mixture
S Nijdam, E Takahashi, AH Markosyan, U Ebert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 23 (2), 025008, 2014
Thomson scattering on non-equilibrium low density plasmas: principles, practice and challenges
E Carbone, S Nijdam
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 (1), 014026, 2014
Stereo-photography of streamers in air
S Nijdam, JS Moerman, TMP Briels, EM Van Veldhuizen, U Ebert
Applied Physics Letters 92, 101502, 2008
Reconnection and merging of positive streamers in air
S Nijdam, CGC Geurts, EM Van Veldhuizen, U Ebert
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (4), 045201, 2009
The importance of thermal dissociation in CO2 microwave discharges investigated by power pulsing and rotational Raman scattering
DCM van den Bekerom, JMP Linares, T Verreycken, EM Van Veldhuizen, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (5), 055015, 2019
An introduction to nonequilibrium plasmas at atmospheric pressure
S Nijdam, E Van Veldhuizen, P Bruggeman, U Ebert
Plasma chemistry and catalysis in gases and liquids, 1-44, 2012
Nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in N2–O2 mixtures: inception cloud and streamer emergence
S Chen, LCJ Heijmans, R Zeng, S Nijdam, U Ebert
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (17), 175201, 2015
Streamer discharges can move perpendicularly to the electric field
S Nijdam, E Takahashi, J Teunissen, U Ebert
New Journal of Physics 16 (10), 103038, 2014
Multiple scales in streamer discharges, with an emphasis on moving boundary approximations
U Ebert, F Brau, G Derks, W Hundsdorfer, CY Kao, C Li, A Luque, ...
Nonlinearity 24 (1), C1, 2010
A self-consistent model of ionic wind generation by negative corona discharges in air with experimental validation
S Chen, J Nobelen, S Nijdam
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26 (9), 095005, 2017
Experimental Investigations on the Physics of Streamers
S Nijdam
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2011
Spatio-temporal dynamics of a pulsed microwave argon plasma: ignition and afterglow
E Carbone, N Sadeghi, E Vos, S Hübner, E Van Veldhuizen, J Van Dijk, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24 (1), 015015, 2014
Method and system for lighting control
CCF Frumau, SM Verbrugh, S Nijdam, B Simpelaar
US Patent 8,093,817, 2012
The role of free electrons in the guiding of positive streamers
S Nijdam, J Teunissen, E Takahashi, U Ebert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (4), 044001, 2016
Sprite discharges on Venus and Jupiter‐like planets: A laboratory investigation
D Dubrovin, S Nijdam, EM Van Veldhuizen, U Ebert, Y Yair, C Price
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A6), 2010
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Articles 1–20