Jennifer Shang
Jennifer Shang
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Learning from class-imbalanced data: Review of methods and applications
G Haixiang, L Yijing, J Shang, G Mingyun, H Yuanyue, G Bing
Expert systems with applications 73, 220-239, 2017
A unified framework for the selection of a flexible manufacturing system.
J Shang, T Sueyoshi
European Journal of Operational Research, 85 (2), 297-315., 1995
Impact of drone delivery on sustainability and cost: Realizing the UAV potential through vehicle routing optimization
WC Chiang, Y Li, J Shang, TL Urban
Applied energy 242, 1164-1175, 2019
Enhancing data consistency in decision matrix: Adapting Hadamard model to mitigate judgment contradiction
G Kou, D Ergu, J Shang
European Journal of Operational Research 236 (1), 261-271, 2014
Why do software firms fail? Capabilities, competitive actions, and firm survival in the software industry from 1995 to 2007
S Li, J Shang, SA Slaughter
Information Systems Research 21 (3), 631-654, 2010
An innovative orders-of-magnitude approach to AHP-based mutli-criteria decision making: Prioritizing divergent intangible humane acts
TL Saaty, JS Shang
European Journal of Operational Research 214 (3), 703-715, 2011
Firm-level outsourcing decision making: A balanced scorecard-based analytic network process model
Y Tjader, JH May, J Shang, LG Vargas, N Gao
International Journal of Production Economics 147, 614-623, 2014
Contract design for two-stage supply chain coordination: Integrating manufacturer-quality and retailer-marketing efforts
P Ma, H Wang, J Shang
International journal of production economics 146 (2), 745-755, 2013
Is subsidized electric vehicles adoption sustainable: Consumers’ perceptions and motivation toward incentive policies, environmental benefits, and risks
X Zhang, X Bai, J Shang
Journal of Cleaner Production 192, 71-79, 2018
The analytic hierarchy process and human resource allocation: Half the story
T Saaty, K Peniwatib, J Shang
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 46 (7-8), 1041-1053, 2007
Enhancing corporate social responsibility: Contract design under information asymmetry
P Ma, J Shang, H Wang
Omega 67, 19-30, 2017
Maximizing customer satisfaction through an online recommendation system: A novel associative classification model
Y Jiang, J Shang, Y Liu
Decision Support Systems 48 (3), 470-479, 2010
A unified framework for multicriteria evaluation of transportation projects
J Shang, Y Tjader, Y Ding
Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on 51 (3), 300-313, 2004
Supply chain channel strategies with quality and marketing effort-dependent demand
P Ma, H Wang, J Shang
International journal of production economics 144 (2), 572-581, 2013
Reward–penalty mechanism for closed-loop supply chains under responsibility-sharing and different power structures
W Wang, Y Zhang, K Zhang, T Bai, J Shang
International Journal of Production Economics 170, 178-190, 2015
Decision making in academia: A case of the dean selection process
R Gibney, J Shang
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 46 (7-8), 1030-1040, 2007
Group decision-making: Head-count versus intensity of preference
T Satty, J Shang
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 41 (1), 22-37, 2007
Operational design of a supply chain system using the Taguchi method, response surface methodology, simulation, and optimization
T Shang, J. S., Li, S.
International Journal of Production Research 42 (18), 3823-3849, 2004
Collaborative production planning of supply chain under price and demand uncertainty
G Zhang, J Shang, W Li
European Journal of Operational Research 215 (3), 590-603, 2011
Evolution of knowledge sharing behavior in social commerce: An agent-based computational approach
G Jiang, F Ma, J Shang, PYK Chau
Information Sciences 278, 250-266, 2014
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