Philip Kappen
Philip Kappen
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Cited by
The effects of spatial and contextual factors on headquarters resource allocation to MNE subsidiaries
H Dellestrand, P Kappen
Journal of International Business Studies 43, 219-243, 2012
The ‘casino model’of internationalization: An alternative Uppsala paradigm
L Håkanson, P Kappen
Journal of International Business Studies 48, 1103-1113, 2017
Quo vadis? The entry into new technologies in advanced foreign subsidiaries of the multinational enterprise
K Blomkvist, P Kappen, I Zander
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 1525-1549, 2010
Reconceptualising hierarchies: The disaggregation and dispersion of headquarters in multinational corporations
PC Nell, P Kappen, T Laamanen
Journal of Management Studies 54 (8), 1121-1143, 2017
The good, the bad, and the ugly: Technology transfer competence, rent-seeking, and bargaining power
F Ciabuschi, H Dellestrand, P Kappen
Journal of World Business 47 (4), 664-674, 2012
Exploring the effects of vertical and lateral mechanisms in international knowledge transfer projects
F Ciabuschi, H Dellestrand, P Kappen
Management International Review 51, 129-155, 2011
Headquarters allocation of resources to innovation transfer projects within the multinational enterprise
H Dellestrand, P Kappen
Journal of International Management 17 (4), 263-277, 2011
Competence-creating overlaps and subsidiary technological evolution in the multinational corporation
P Kappen
Research Policy 40 (5), 673-686, 2011
Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? On the diffusion of technological capabilities in the ‘modern’MNC
K Blomkvist, P Kappen, I Zander
Journal of World Business 52 (1), 1-16, 2017
Superstar inventors—Towards a people-centric perspective on the geography of technological renewal in the multinational corporation
K Blomkvist, P Kappen, I Zander
Research Policy 43 (4), 669-682, 2014
Win, place, or show? How foreign investment strategies contribute to the technological growth of the multinational corporation
K Blomkvist, P Kappen, I Zander
Long range planning 47 (1-2), 16-31, 2014
Beyond simple configurations: the dual involvement of divisional and corporate headquarters in subsidiary innovation activities in multibusiness firms
B Decreton, H Dellestrand, P Kappen, PC Nell
Management International Review 57, 855-878, 2017
Live and let die: A survival analysis of foreign R&D units in Swedish MNEs
L Håkanson, P Kappen
International Business Review 25 (6), 1185-1196, 2016
Technological evolution in foreign subsidiaries: Among average Joes, superstars and the new kids on the block
P Kappen
Headquarter resource allocation strategies and subsidiary competitive or cooperative behavior: achieving a fit for value creation
H Dellestrand, P Kappen, O Lindahl
Journal of Organization Design 9, 1-16, 2020
Who is in and who is out? Integration of technological knowledge in the multinational corporation
K Blomkvist, P Kappen, I Zander
Industrial and Corporate Change 28 (3), 437-457, 2019
Superstar subsidiaries of the multinational corporation: in search of origins and drivers
K Blomkvist, P Kappen, I Zander
Innovation and growth: from R&D strategies of innovating firms to economy …, 2012
Strategic knowledge creation in multinational enterprises
L Håkanson, P Kappen, I Zander
On the emergence and diffusion of technological capabilities and the theory of the MNC
K Blomkvist, P Kappen, I Zander
Management international 19 (4), 95-111, 2015
Headquarters’ potential value-adding by cherry-picking sub-unit technology development projects
U Andersson, P Kappen
Managing the Contemporary Multinational, 2010
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Articles 1–20