Nuri Denizcan Vanli
Nuri Denizcan Vanli
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Cited by
A novel family of adaptive filtering algorithms based on the logarithmic cost
MO Sayin, ND Vanli, SS Kozat
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 62 (17), 4411-4424, 2014
A comprehensive approach to universal piecewise nonlinear regression based on trees
ND Vanli, SS Kozat
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (20), 5471-5486, 2014
Global convergence rate of proximal incremental aggregated gradient methods
ND Vanli, M Gurbuzbalaban, A Ozdaglar
SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (2), 1282-1300, 2018
Stochastic subgradient algorithms for strongly convex optimization over distributed networks
MO Sayin, ND Vanli, SS Kozat, T Başar
IEEE Transactions on network science and engineering 4 (4), 248-260, 2017
Optimum power allocation for average power constrained jammers in the presence of non-Gaussian noise
S Bayram, ND Vanli, B Dulek, I Sezer, S Gezici
IEEE Communications Letters 16 (8), 1153-1156, 2012
When cyclic coordinate descent outperforms randomized coordinate descent
M Gurbuzbalaban, A Ozdaglar, PA Parrilo, N Vanli
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017
Convergence rate of block-coordinate maximization Burer–Monteiro method for solving large SDPs
MA Erdogdu, A Ozdaglar, PA Parrilo, ND Vanli
Mathematical Programming 195 (1), 243-281, 2022
Sequential nonlinear learning for distributed multiagent systems via extreme learning machines
ND Vanli, MO Sayin, I Delibalta, SS Kozat
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 28 (3), 546-558, 2016
Nonlinear regression via incremental decision trees
ND Vanli, MO Sayin, M Mohaghegh, H Ozkan, SS Kozat
Pattern Recognition 86, 1-13, 2019
Online classification via self-organizing space partitioning
H Ozkan, ND Vanli, SS Kozat
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (15), 3895-3908, 2016
Randomness and permutations in coordinate descent methods
M Gürbüzbalaban, A Ozdaglar, ND Vanli, SJ Wright
Mathematical Programming 181, 349-376, 2020
Optimum power randomization for the minimization of outage probability
B Dulek, ND Vanli, S Gezici, PK Varshney
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 12 (9), 4627-4637, 2013
Adaptive and efficient nonlinear channel equalization for underwater acoustic communication
D Kari, ND Vanli, SS Kozat
Physical Communication 24, 83-93, 2017
A stronger convergence result on the proximal incremental aggregated gradient method
ND Vanli, M Gurbuzbalaban, A Ozdaglar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08022, 2016
Sequential prediction over hierarchical structures
ND Vanli, K Gokcesu, MO Sayin, H Yildiz, SS Kozat
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (23), 6284-6298, 2016
Optimal and efficient distributed online learning for big data
MO Sayin, ND Vanli, I Delibalta, SS Kozat
2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 126-133, 2015
A unified approach to universal prediction: Generalized upper and lower bounds
ND Vanli, SS Kozat
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 26 (3), 646-651, 2014
Improved convergence performance of adaptive algorithms through logarithmic cost
MO Sayin, ND Vanli, SS Kozat
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Growth optimal investment in discrete-time markets with proportional transaction costs
ND Vanli, S Tunc, MA Donmez, SS Kozat
Digital Signal Processing 48, 226-238, 2016
Robust least squares methods under bounded data uncertainties
ND Vanli, MA Donmez, SS Kozat
Digital Signal Processing 36, 82-92, 2015
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Articles 1–20