Xiang Sean Zhou
Cited by
Cited by
Relevance feedback in image retrieval: A comprehensive review
XS Zhou, TS Huang
Multimedia systems 8, 536-544, 2003
One-class SVM for learning in image retrieval
Y Chen, XS Zhou, TS Huang
Proceedings 2001 international conference on image processing (Cat. No …, 2001
Total variation models for variable lighting face recognition
T Chen, W Yin, XS Zhou, D Comaniciu, TS Huang
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 28 (9), 1519-1524, 2006
Feature selection using principal feature analysis
Y Lu, I Cohen, XS Zhou, Q Tian
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 301-304, 2007
Small sample learning during multimedia retrieval using biasmap
XS Zhou, TS Huang
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision …, 2001
Computer aided diagnostic assistance for medical imaging
B Duggirala, DS Paine, D Comaniciu, A Krishnan, X Zhou
US Patent 7,244,230, 2007
Towards robust and effective shape modeling: Sparse shape composition
S Zhang, Y Zhan, M Dewan, J Huang, DN Metaxas, XS Zhou
Medical image analysis 16 (1), 265-277, 2012
Multi-instance deep learning: Discover discriminative local anatomies for bodypart recognition
Z Yan, Y Zhan, Z Peng, S Liao, Y Shinagawa, S Zhang, DN Metaxas, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (5), 1332-1343, 2016
Unifying keywords and visual contents in image retrieval
XS Zhou, TS Huang
Ieee Multimedia 9 (2), 23-33, 2002
Systems and methods for automated diagnosis and decision support for heart related diseases and conditions
S Krishnan, A Gupta, RB Rao, D Comaniciu, XS Zhou
US Patent 7,912,528, 2011
Edge-based structural features for content-based image retrieval
XS Zhou, TS Huang
Pattern recognition letters 22 (5), 457-468, 2001
System and method for whole body landmark detection, segmentation and change quantification in digital images
X Huang, X Zhou, A Jerebko, A Krishnan, H Guan, T Kubota, V Potesil
US Patent 7,876,938, 2011
Database-guided segmentation of anatomical structures with complex appearance
B Georgescu, XS Zhou, D Comaniciu, A Gupta
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
Systems and methods providing automated decision support and medical imaging
S Krishnan, D Comaniciu, XS Zhou, MG Cannon, A Dutton
US Patent 7,672,491, 2010
Image based regression using boosting method
SK Zhou, B Georgescu, XS Zhou, D Comaniciu
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1 1 …, 2005
System and method for performing probabilistic classification and decision support using multidimensional medical image databases
XS Zhou, D Comaniciu, A Gupta, V Ramesh, B Duggirala, D Paine
US Patent 7,458,936, 2008
An information fusion framework for robust shape tracking
XS Zhou, A Gupta, D Comaniciu
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 27 (1), 115-129, 2005
Comparing discriminating transformations and SVM for learning during multimedia retrieval
XS Zhou, TS Huang
Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 137-146, 2001
Robust real-time myocardial border tracking for echocardiography: an information fusion approach
D Comaniciu, XS Zhou, S Krishnan
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 23 (7), 849-860, 2004
CBIR: from low-level features to high-level semantics
XS Zhou, TS Huang
Image and Video Communications and Processing 2000 3974, 426-431, 2000
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Articles 1–20