Walter R. Allen
Walter R. Allen
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
The color of success: African-American college student outcomes at predominantly White and historically Black public colleges and universities
W Allen
Harvard Educational Review 62 (1), 26-45, 1992
Enhancing campus climates for racial/ethnic diversity: Educational policy and practice
S Hurtado, JF Milem, AR Clayton-Pedersen, WR Allen
The review of higher education 21 (3), 279-302, 1998
Enacting Diverse Learning Environments: Improving the Climate for Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Vol. 26, No. 8.
S Hurtado, J Milem, A Clayton-Pedersen, W Allen
ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 630 …, 1999
“Assume the position... you fit the description” psychosocial experiences and racial battle fatigue among African American male college students
WA Smith, WR Allen, LL Danley
American Behavioral Scientist 51 (4), 551-578, 2007
The color line and the quality of life in America
R Farley, WR Allen
Russell Sage Foundation, 1987
Sociodemographic and environmental correlates of racial socialization by Black parents
MC Thornton, LM Chatters, RJ Taylor, WR Allen
Child development 61 (2), 401-409, 1990
College in Black and White: African American students in predominantly White and in historically Black public universities
WR Allen, EG Epps, NZ Haniff
sUNY PRess, 1991
A backward glance forward: Past, present and future perspectives on historically Black colleges and universities
WR Allen, JO Jewell
The Review of Higher Education 25 (3), 241-261, 2002
Black student, White campus: Structural, interpersonal, and psychological correlates of success
WR Allen
The Journal of Negro Education 54 (2), 134-147, 1985
Racial privilege in the professoriate: An exploration of campus climate, retention, and satisfaction
UM Jayakumar, TC Howard, WR Allen, JC Han
The Journal of Higher Education 80 (5), 538-563, 2009
WR Allen
Journal of Marriage and Family 40 (1), 117-129, 1978
The Black academic: Faculty status among African Americans in US higher education
WR Allen, EG Epps, EA Guillory, SA Suh, M Bonous-Hammarth
Journal of Negro Education, 112-127, 2000
‘You make me wanna holler and throw up both my hands!’: campus culture, Black misandric microaggressions, and racial battle fatigue
WA Smith, JB Mustaffa, CM Jones, TJ Curry, WR Allen
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 29 (9), 1189-1209, 2016
Historically Black colleges and universities: Honoring the past, engaging the present, touching the future
WR Allen, JO Jewell, KA Griffin, DSS Wolf
The Journal of Negro Education, 263-280, 2007
Keeping race in place: Racial microaggressions and campus racial climate at the University of California, Berkeley
D Solórzano, WR Allen, G Carroll
Chicano-Latino L. Rev. 23, 15, 2002
Black colleges vs. White colleges
WR Allen
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 19 (3), 28-34, 1987
The college-choice process for Asian Pacific Americans: Ethnicity and socioeconomic class in context
RT Teranishi, M Ceja, AL Antonio, WR Allen, PM McDonough
The Review of Higher Education 27 (4), 527-551, 2004
Understanding minority-serving institutions
WR Allen
State University of New York Press, 2008
Gender and campus race differences in black student academic performance, racial attitudes and college satisfaction.
W Allen
Southern Education Foundation, 340 W. Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 250 …, 1986
Black students in US higher education: Toward improved access, adjustment, and achievement
WR Allen
The Urban Review 20 (3), 165-188, 1988
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