Jean Clarke
Jean Clarke
Emlyon Business School, Lyon, France
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Cited by
Imagining and rationalizing opportunities: Inductive reasoning and the creation and justification of new ventures
JP Cornelissen, JS Clarke
Academy of Management Review 35 (4), 539-557, 2010
Revitalizing entrepreneurship: how visual symbols are used in entrepreneurial performances
J Clarke
Journal of Management Studies 48 (6), 1365-1391, 2011
Actions speak louder than words: How figurative language and gesturing in entrepreneurial pitches influences investment judgments
JS Clarke, JP Cornelissen, MP Healey
Academy of Management Journal 62 (2), 335-360, 2019
It's all action, it's all learning: action learning in SMEs
J Clarke, R Thorpe, L Anderson, J Gold
Journal of European Industrial Training 30 (6), 441-455, 2006
Sensegiving in entrepreneurial contexts: The use of metaphors in speech and gesture to gain and sustain support for novel business ventures
JP Cornelissen, JS Clarke, A Cienki
International small business journal 30 (3), 213-241, 2012
The mature entrepreneur: A narrative approach to entrepreneurial goals
J Clarke, R Holt
Journal of Management Inquiry 19 (1), 69-83, 2010
Reflective judgement: Understanding entrepreneurship as ethical practice
J Clarke, R Holt
Journal of Business Ethics 94, 317-331, 2010
Imagery of ad-venture: Understanding entrepreneurial identity through metaphor and drawing
J Clarke, R Holt
Journal of Business Venturing 32 (5), 476-497, 2017
Language, communication, and socially situated cognition in entrepreneurship
J Clarke, J Cornelissen
Academy of Management Review 36 (4), 776-778, 2011
Immaturity: the constraining of entrepreneurship
R Thorpe, J Gold, R Holt, J Clarke
International Small Business Journal 24 (3), 232-250, 2006
Re-imagining the growth process:(co)-evolving metaphorical representations of entrepreneurial growth
J Clarke, R Holt, R Blundel
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 26 (3-4), 234-256, 2014
Ten theses on technology and organization: Introduction to the special issue
T Beyes, WHK Chun, J Clarke, M Flyverbom, R Holt
Organization Studies 43 (7), 1001-1018, 2022
Images of entrepreneurship: Using drawing to explore entrepreneurial experience
JS Clarke, R Holt
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 11, e00129, 2019
Vivienne Westwood and the ethics of consuming fashion
JS Clarke, R Holt
Journal of Management Inquiry 25 (2), 199-213, 2016
How language shapes thought: New vistas for entrepreneurship research
JS Clarke, JP Cornelissen
Handbook of entrepreneurial cognition, 383-397, 2014
Gesture analysis and organizational research: The development and application of a protocol for naturalistic settings
JS Clarke, N Llewellyn, J Cornelissen, R Viney
Organizational Research Methods 24 (1), 140-171, 2021
Performance in small firms
R Thorpe, J Clarke
Performance management: Multidisciplinary perspectives, 200-213, 2008
Entrepreneurial legacy: How narratives of the past, present and future affect entrepreneurship in business families
M Radu-Lefebvre, V Lefebvre, J Clarke, WB Gartner
A research agenda for family business, 73-85, 2020
Seeing entrepreneurship: visual ethnographies of embodied entrepreneurs
JS Clarke
University of Leeds, 2007
Building multitemporal awareness and reflexivity in family business: A visual sensemaking exercise
V Lefebvre, M Radu-Lefebvre, WB Gartner, J Clarke
Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 4 (2), 194-203, 2021
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Articles 1–20