Amr A. El-Sherif
Amr A. El-Sherif
Professor, Egypt University of Informatics
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Joint design of spectrum sensing and channel access in cognitive radio networks
AA El-Sherif, KJR Liu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10 (6), 1743-1753, 2011
Joint routing and resource allocation for delay minimization in cognitive radio based mesh networks
AA El-Sherif, A Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Wireless communications 13 (1), 186-197, 2013
Opportunistic multiple access for cognitive radio networks
AA El-Sherif, AK Sadek, KJR Liu
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 29 (4), 704-715, 2011
Towards mobility-aware proactive caching for vehicular ad hoc networks
Y AlNagar, S Hosny, AA El-Sherif
2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop (WCNCW …, 2019
Cognitive radio networks with probabilistic relaying: Stable throughput and delay tradeoffs
M Ashour, AA El-Sherif, T ElBatt, A Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (11), 4002-4014, 2015
Interference-aware energy-efficient cross-layer design for healthcare monitoring applications
A Awad, A Mohamed, AA El-Sherif, OA Nasr
Computer Networks 74, 64-77, 2014
Optimal resource allocation for green and clustered video sensor networks
A Arar, A Mohamed, AA El-Sherif, VCM Leung
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2117-2128, 2016
Energy efficient cross-layer design for wireless body area monitoring networks in healthcare applications
A Awad, A Mohamed, AA El-Sherif
2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2013
A feedback-based access scheme for cognitive radio systems
KG Seddik, AK Sultan, AA El-Sherif, AM Arafa
2011 IEEE 12th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2011
A feedback-soft sensing-based access scheme for cognitive radio networks
AM Arafa, KG Seddik, AK Sultan, T ElBatt, AA El-Sherif
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 12 (7), 3226-3237, 2013
Decentralized throughput maximization in cognitive radio wireless mesh networks
AA El-Sherif, A Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 13 (9), 1967-1980, 2014
Energy-aware cross-layer optimization for EEG-based wireless monitoring applications
A Awad, R Hussein, A Mohamed, AA El-Sherif
38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 356-363, 2013
Cooperation in random access networks: Protocol design and performance analysis
AA El-Sherif, KJR Liu
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30 (9), 1694-1702, 2012
Mobility-aware edge caching for minimizing latency in vehicular networks
Y AlNagar, RH Gohary, S Hosny, AA El-Sherif
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology 3, 68-84, 2022
Proactive caching for vehicular ad hoc networks using the city model
Y AlNagar, S Hosny, AA El-Sherif
2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop (WCNCW …, 2019
A smart multi-user massive MIMO system for next G Wireless communications using evolutionary optimized antenna selection
S El-Khamy, K Moussa, A El-Sherif
Telecommunication Systems 65, 309-317, 2017
Cooperation and underlay mode selection in cognitive radio network
R Amer, AA El-Sherif, H Ebrahim, A Mokhtar
2016 Fifth International Conference on Future Generation Communication …, 2016
Cooperative access in cognitive radio networks: stable throughput and delay tradeoffs
M Ashour, AA El-Sherif, T ElBatt, A Mohamed
2014 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad …, 2014
C5. Performance analysis of massive MIMO multiuser transmit beamforming techniques over generalized spatial channel model
SE El-Khamy, KH Moussa, AA El-Sherif
2015 32nd National Radio Science Conference (NRSC), 139-146, 2015
Content-aware multiple access protocol for cooperative packet speech communications
A El-Sherif, A Kwasinski, AK Sadek, KJR Liu
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 8 (2), 995-1005, 2009
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