Deepa Chandrasekaran
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Cited by
A critical review of marketing research on diffusion of new products
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis
Review of marketing research, 39-80, 2017
Global takeoff of new products: Culture, wealth, or vanishing differences?
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis
Marketing Science 27 (5), 844-860, 2008
Open innovation, product portfolio innovativeness and firm performance: the dual role of new product development capabilities
G Rubera, D Chandrasekaran, A Ordanini
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 44, 166-184, 2016
Design crowdsourcing: The impact on new product performance of sourcing design solutions from the “crowd”
BJ Allen, D Chandrasekaran, S Basuroy
Journal of Marketing 82 (2), 106-123, 2018
Extent and impact of response biases in cross-national survey research
GJ Tellis, D Chandrasekaran
International Journal of Research in Marketing 27 (4), 329-341, 2010
Effects of offline ad content on online brand search: Insights from super bowl advertising
D Chandrasekaran, R Srinivasan, D Sihi
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 403-430, 2018
Getting a grip on the saddle: chasms or cycles?
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis
Journal of Marketing 75 (4), 21-34, 2011
Leapfrogging, cannibalization, and survival during disruptive technological change: the critical role of rate of disengagement
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis, GM James
Journal of Marketing 86 (1), 149-166, 2022
The association between the attitude of food‐waste‐aversion and BMI: An exploration in India and the United States
R Raghunathan, D Chandrasekaran
Journal of Consumer Psychology 31 (1), 81-90, 2021
Pricing in the international takeoff of new products
D Chandrasekaran, JWC Arts, GJ Tellis, RT Frambach
International Journal of Research in Marketing 30 (3), 249-264, 2013
Diffusion of new products: A critical review of models, drivers, and findings
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis
Rev. Marketing Research, 39-80, 2007
Does culture matter? Assessing response biases in cross-national survey research
GJ Tellis, D Chandrasekaran
International Journal of Research in Marketing, Forthcoming, Marshall School …, 2010
New product growth models in marketing: A critical review of models and findings
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis
Review of marketing research, 39-80, 2005
A summary and review of new product diffusion models and key findings
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis
Handbook of Research on New Product Development, 291-312, 2018
22 Diffusion and its implications for marketing strategy
G Tellis, D Chandrasekaran
Handbook of marketing strategy, 376, 2012
Getting a grip on the saddle: Cycles, chasms, or cascades
D Chandrasekaran, GJ Tellis
PDMA Research Forum, Atlanta, 21–22 October, 37, 2006
How can platforms decrease their dependence on traditional indirect network effects? Innovating using platform envelopment
BJ Allen, D Chandrasekaran, RT Gretz
Journal of Product Innovation Management 38 (5), 497-521, 2021
How parental love received in childhood affects consumers’ future financial discipline
R Raghunathan, Z Yang, D Chandrasekaran
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 5 (3), 248-258, 2020
Marketing to bottom-of-the-pyramid consumers in an emerging market: The responses of mainstream consumers
R Gupta, D Chandrasekaran, S Sen, T Gupta
Journal of Business Ethics 191 (4), 739-755, 2024
Evolution of an Open Source Community Network–An Exploratory Study
N Saraf, A Seary, D Chandrasekaran, P Monge
Saraf, N., Seary, A., Chandrasekaran, D., and Monge, 2013
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