Soheila Dehghanzadeh
Soheila Dehghanzadeh
Senior Research Engineer
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Cited by
Optimizing fuzzy k-means for network anomaly detection using pso
R Ensafi, S Dehghanzadeh, R Mohammad, T Akbarzadeh
2008 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications …, 2008
Approximate continuous query answering over streams and dynamic linked data sets
S Dehghanzadeh, D Dell’Aglio, S Gao, E Della Valle, A Mileo, A Bernstein
Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era: 15th International Conference, ICWE …, 2015
Planning ahead: Stream-driven linked-data access under update-budget constraints
S Gao, D Dell’Aglio, S Dehghanzadeh, A Bernstein, E Della Valle, A Mileo
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2016: 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe …, 2016
Optimizing SPARQL query processing on dynamic and static data based on query time/freshness requirements using materialization
S Dehghanzadeh, JX Parreira, M Karnstedt, J Umbrich, M Hauswirth, ...
Semantic Technology: 4th Joint International Conference, JIST 2014, Chiang …, 2015
Cache maintenance in federated query processing based on quality of service constraints
S Dehghanzadeh
Online view maintenance for continuous query evaluation
S Dehghanzadeh, A Mileo, D Dell'Aglio, E Della Valle, S Gao, A Bernstein
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 25-26, 2015
Optimizing SPARQL Query Processing On Dynamic and Static Data Based on Query Response Requirements Using Materialization.
S Dehghanzadeh
DC@ ISWC, 15-23, 2014
Cache maintenance in federated query processing based on
S Dehghanzadeh
Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) 5, 1-24, 2009
On Combining RDF Streams and Remotely Stored Background Data
S Dehghanzadeh, D Dell’Aglio, S Gao, E Della Valle, A Mileo, A Bernstein
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Articles 1–9