Valentina Markova (Anzova)
Valentina Markova (Anzova)
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Clas: A database for cognitive load, affect and stress recognition
V Markova, T Ganchev, K Kalinkov
2019 International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications …, 2019
An algorithm for the design of multiplierless IIR filters as a parallel connection of two all-pass filters
VI Anzova, J Yli-Kaakinen, T Saramaki
APCCAS 2006-2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 744-747, 2006
Design of indoor environment monitoring system using Arduino
YS Kalinin, EK Velikov, VI Markova
Int. J. Innov. Sci. Mod. Eng 3 (7), 46-49, 2015
Design and realization of efficient IIR digital filter structures based on sensitivity minimizations
G Stoyanov, Z Nikolova, K Ivanova, V Anzova
2007 8th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite …, 2007
Automated detection of improper sitting postures in computer users based on motion capture sensors
F Feradov, V Markova, T Ganchev
Computers 11 (7), 116, 2022
Adaptive feature selection through fisher discriminant ratio
K Kalinkov, T Ganchev, V Markova
2019 International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications …, 2019
A risk assessment study on musculoskeletal disorders in computer users based on a modified Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire
S Vachinska, V Markova, T Ganchev
The International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 433-444, 2020
Automated detection of cognitive load from peripheral physiological signals based on Hjorth’s parameters
F Feradov, T Ganchev, V Markova
2020 International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications …, 2020
Automated recognition of affect and stress evoked by audio-visual stimuli
V Markova, T Ganchev
2018 Seventh Balkan Conference on Lighting (BalkanLight), 1-4, 2018
Analysis and categorization of traffic streams by artificial intelligence
I Balabanova, S Kostadinova, V Markova, G Georgiev
2019 International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications …, 2019
Three-step attribute selection for stress detection based on physiological signals
V Markova, T Ganchev
2018 IEEE XXVII International Scientific Conference Electronics-ET, 1-4, 2018
Front-end processing of physiological signals for the automated detection of high-arousal negative valence conditions
K Kalinkov, V Markova, T Ganchev
2019 X National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), 1-4, 2019
Constrained attribute selection for stress detection based on physiological signals
V Markova, T Ganchev
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Sensors, Signal and …, 2018
Voice control and management in smart home system by artificial intelligence
IS Balabanova, SS Kostadinova, VI Markova, SM Sadinov, GI Georgiev
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1032 (1), 012007, 2021
Detection of negative emotions and high-arousal negative-valence states on the move
V Markova, T Ganchev, K Kalinkov
2018 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), 61-65, 2018
Overall design of the SLADE data acquisition system
T Ganchev, V Markova, I Lefterov, Y Kalinin
Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference “Intelligent …, 2018
MMD-MSD: A Multimodal Multisensory Dataset in Support of Research and Technology Development for Musculoskeletal Disorders
V Markova, T Ganchev, S Filkova, M Markov
Algorithms 17 (5), 187, 2024
Latency Analysis for 5G Optical Transport Network
S Kostadinova, V Markova, N Kostov, I Balabanova, G Georgiev
2021 International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications …, 2022
EMD-based features for cognitive load and stress assessment from PPG signals
F Feradov, T Ganchev, V Markova, N Kalcheva
2021 International Conference on Biomedical Innovations and Applications …, 2022
Detection of acute stress caused by cognitive tasks based on physiological signals
V Markova, T Ganchev, K Kalinkov, M Markov
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 10 (5), 2539-2547, 2021
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Articles 1–20