Matti Karp
Cited by
Cited by
Luminescent bacterial sensor for cadmium and lead
S Tauriainen, M Karp, W Chang, M Virta
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 13 (9), 931-938, 1998
Activation of the zymogen form of prostate-specific antigen by human glandular kallikrein 2
J Lövgren, K Rajakoski, M Karp, Å Lundwall, H Lilja
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 238 (2), 549-555, 1997
Reporter genes lucFF, luxCDABE, gfp, and dsred have different characteristics in whole-cell bacterial sensors
K Hakkila, M Maksimow, M Karp, M Virta
Analytical biochemistry 301 (2), 235-242, 2002
A luminescence-based mercury biosensor
M Virta, J Lampinen, M Karp
Analytical Chemistry 67 (3), 667-669, 1995
Revisiting cellulase production and redefining current strategies based on major challenges
RC Kuhad, D Deswal, S Sharma, A Bhattacharya, KK Jain, A Kaur, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55, 249-272, 2016
Measurement of bacterial adhesion—in vitro evaluation of different methods
S Vesterlund, J Paltta, M Karp, AC Ouwehand
Journal of microbiological methods 60 (2), 225-233, 2005
Bioluminescent yeast assays for detecting estrogenic and androgenic activity in different matrices
P Leskinen, E Michelini, D Picard, M Karp, M Virta
Chemosphere 61 (2), 259-266, 2005
Recombinant luminescent bacteria for measuring bioavailable arsenite and antimonite
S Tauriainen, M Karp, W Chang, M Virta
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (11), 4456-4461, 1997
Staphylococcus aureus adheres to human intestinal mucus but can be displaced by certain lactic acid bacteria
S Vesterlund, M Karp, S Salminen, AC Ouwehand
Microbiology 152 (6), 1819-1826, 2006
A new flash method for measuring the toxicity of solid and colored samples
J Lannalainen, RI Juvonen, K Vaajasaari, M Karp
Chemosphere 38 (5), 1069-1083, 1999
Implication of an Outer Surface Lipoprotein in Adhesion of Bifidobacterium bifidum to Caco-2 Cells
S Guglielmetti, I Tamagnini, D Mora, M Minuzzo, A Scarafoni, S Arioli, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (15), 4695-4702, 2008
A group-specific microbiological test for the detection of tetracycline residues in raw milk
J Kurittu, S Lönnberg, M Virta, M Karp
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 48 (8), 3372-3377, 2000
Determination of complement-mediated killing of bacteria by viability staining and bioluminescence
M Virta, S Lineri, P Kankaanpää, M Karp, K Peltonen, J Nuutila, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 64 (2), 515-519, 1998
Engineering and characterization of bacterial nanocellulose films as low cost and flexible sensor material
R Mangayil, S Rajala, A Pammo, E Sarlin, J Luo, V Santala, M Karp, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (22), 19048-19056, 2017
A recombinant Escherichia coli sensor strain for the detection of tetracyclines
MT Korpela, JS Kurittu, JT Karvinen, MT Karp
Analytical chemistry 70 (21), 4457-4462, 1998
Measurement of firefly luciferase reporter gene activity from cells and lysates using Escherichia coli arsenite and mercury sensors
S Tauriainen, M Virta, W Chang, M Karp
Analytical Biochemistry 272 (2), 191-198, 1999
S-layer protein mediates the stimulatory effect of Lactobacillus helveticus MIMLh5 on innate immunity
V Taverniti, M Stuknyte, M Minuzzo, S Arioli, I De Noni, C Scabiosi, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (4), 1221-1231, 2013
Oral bacteria as potential probiotics for the pharyngeal mucosa
S Guglielmetti, V Taverniti, M Minuzzo, S Arioli, M Stuknyte, M Karp, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 76 (12), 3948-3958, 2010
Automated color correction method for Vibrio fischeri toxicity test. Comparison of standard and kinetic assays
J Lappalainen, R Juvonen, J Nurmi, M Karp
Chemosphere 45 (4-5), 635-641, 2001
Adhesion of bacteria to resected human colonic tissue: quantitative analysis of bacterial adhesion and viability
S Vesterlund, J Paltta, M Karp, AC Ouwehand
Research in microbiology 156 (2), 238-244, 2005
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Articles 1–20