Need-supporting gamification in education: An assessment of motivational effects over time R van Roy, B Zaman Computers & Education, 2018 | 373 | 2018 |
Why Gamification Fails in Education and How to Make It Successful: Introducing Nine Gamification Heuristics Based on Self-Determination Theory R van Roy, B Zaman Serious Games and Edutainment Applications, 485-509, 2017 | 246 | 2017 |
“TV no longer commands our full attention”: Effects of second-screen viewing and task relevance on cognitive load and learning from news A Van Cauwenberge, G Schaap, R Van Roy Computers in Human Behavior 38, 100-109, 2014 | 228 | 2014 |
Unravelling the Ambivalent Motivational Power of Gamification: A Basic Psychological Needs Perspective R van Roy, B Zaman International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2018 | 203 | 2018 |
Collecting Pokémon or Receiving Rewards? How People Functionalise Badges in Gamified Online Learning Environments in the Wild R van Roy, S Deterding, B Zaman International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2018 | 88 | 2018 |
Uses and Gratifications of Initiating Use of Gamified Learning Platforms R van Roy, S Deterding, B Zaman Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
Profile-Based Algorithm for Personalized Gamification in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments A Knutas, R van Roy, T Hynninen, M Granato, J Kasurinen, J Ikonen on CEUR in Proceedings of GHItaly, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Moving beyond the effectiveness of gamification R van Roy, B Zaman Gamification Workshop, CHI 15, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
The inclusion or exclusion of teaching staff in a gamified system: an example of the need to personalize R van Roy, B Zaman Workshop on Personalization in Serious and Persuasive Games and Gamified …, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Online Appendix for" Profile-Based Algorithm for Personalized Gamification in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments" A Knutas, R van Roy, T Hynninen, M Granato, J Kasurinen, J Ikonen Zenodo, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Gamification in the Wild: Evaluating a Gamified Learning Platform R van Roy, S Deterding, B Zaman | 2 | 2017 |
Autonomously Motivating Gamification in Education: an Explorative Study R van Roy, B Zaman | 2 | 2017 |
Unravelling the Motivational Power of Gamification R van Roy, B Zaman | | 2018 |
Turning Gamification Inside Out: Exploring the Negative Consequences of Using a Digital Gamified Learning Platform R van Roy, S Santens, J Derboven, B Zaman | | 2018 |
Looking at Gamification in Education through a Motivational Lens: an Explorative Study R van Roy, B Zaman | | 2016 |
Leven met spelletjes: hoe game-elementen ons beďnvloeden R van Roy, B Zaman | | 2015 |