Uwe Drofenik
Uwe Drofenik
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PWM converter power density barriers
JW Kolar, U Drofenik, J Biela, ML Heldwein, H Ertl, T Friedli, SD Round
2007 Power Conversion Conference-Nagoya, P-9-P-29, 2007
A general scheme for calculating switching-and conduction-losses of power semiconductors in numerical circuit simulations of power electronic systems
U Drofenik, JW Kolar
Proc. IPEC 5, 4-8, 2005
Comparative evaluation of three-phase high-power-factor AC-DC converter concepts for application in future more electric aircraft
G Gong, ML Heldwein, U Drofenik, J Minibock, K Mino, JW Kolar
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (3), 727-737, 2005
New physical model for lifetime estimation of power modules
IF Kovačević, U Drofenik, JW Kolar
The 2010 International Power Electronics Conference-ECCE ASIA-, 2106-2114, 2010
Theoretical converter power density limits for forced convection cooling
U Drofenik, G Laimer, JW Kolar
International conference, Power electronics, intelligent motion, power …, 2005
Discontinuous space-vector modulation for three-level PWM rectifiers
L Dalessandro, SD Round, U Drofenik, JW Kolar
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 23 (2), 530-542, 2008
Characterization of a silicon IGBT and silicon carbide MOSFET cross-switch hybrid
M Rahimo, F Canales, RA Minamisawa, C Papadopoulos, U Vemulapati, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (9), 4638-4642, 2015
VIENNA rectifier II-a novel single-stage high-frequency isolated three-phase PWM rectifier system
JW Kolar, U Drofenik, FC Zach
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 46 (4), 674-691, 1999
Power electronic traction transformer technology
D Dujic, F Kieferndorf, F Canales, U Drofenik
Proceedings of The 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control …, 2012
12-pulse rectifier for more electric aircraft applications
G Gong, U Drofenik, JW Kolar
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2003 2, 1096-1101, 2003
Analysis of theoretical limits of forced-air cooling using advanced composite materials with high thermal conductivities
U Drofenik, A Stupar, JW Kolar
IEEE Transactions on components, packaging and manufacturing technology 1 (4 …, 2011
Current handling capability of the neutral point of a three-phase/switch/level boost-type PWM (VIENNA) rectifier
JW Kolar, U Drofenik, FC Zach
PESC Record. 27th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2 …, 1996
Weight minimization of LCL filters for high-power converters: Impact of PWM method on power loss and power density
KB Park, FD Kieferndorf, U Drofenik, S Pettersson, F Canales
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (3), 2282-2296, 2017
New web-based interactive e-learning in power electronics and electrical machines
U Drofenik, JW Kolar, PJ Van Duijsen, P Bauer
Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 36th …, 2001
New wide input voltage range three-phase unity power factor rectifier formed by integration of a three-switch buck-derived front-end and a DC/DC boost converter output stage
M Baumann, U Drofenik, JW Kolar
INTELEC. Twenty-Second International Telecommunications Energy Conference …, 2000
Interactive Power Electronics Seminar (iPES)-a web-based introductory power electronics course employing Java-applets
U Drofenik, JW Kolar
2002 IEEE 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 2002
A novel hysteresis current control for three-phase three-level PWM rectifiers
L Dalessandro, U Drofenik, SD Round, JW Kolar
Twentieth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2005
Optimization of phase change material heat sinks for low duty cycle high peak load power supplies
A Stupar, U Drofenik, JW Kolar
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2 (1 …, 2011
Computationally efficient integration of complex thernal multi-chip power module models into circuit simulators
U Drofenik, D Cottet, A Musing, JM Meyer, JW Kolar
2007 Power Conversion Conference-Nagoya, 550-557, 2007
Comparison of not synchronized sawtooth carrier and synchronized triangular carrier phase current control for the VIENNA rectifier I
U Drofenik, JW Kolar
ISIE'99. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial …, 1999
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Articles 1–20