Lassi Ahlvik
Lassi Ahlvik
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
An economic–ecological model to evaluate impacts of nutrient abatement in the Baltic Sea
L Ahlvik, P Ekholm, K Hyytiäinen, H Pitkänen
Environmental modelling & software 55, 164-175, 2014
Processes for the sustainable stewardship of marine environments
H Scharin, S Ericsdotter, M Elliott, RK Turner, S Niiranen, T Blenckner, ...
Ecological Economics 128, 55-67, 2016
Policy goals for improved water quality in the Baltic Sea: when do the benefits outweigh the costs?
K Hyytiäinen, L Ahlvik, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, A Huhtala, K Dahlbo
Environmental and Resource Economics 61, 217-241, 2015
A strategic analysis of eutrophication abatement in the Baltic Sea
L Ahlvik, Y Pavlova
Environmental and Resource Economics 56 (3), 353-378, 2013
Cost-effective marine protection-a pragmatic approach
S Oinonen, K Hyytiäinen, L Ahlvik, M Laamanen, V Lehtoranta, J Salojärvi, ...
PloS one 11 (1), e0147085, 2016
Global externalities, local policies, and firm selection
L Ahlvik, M Liski
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (3), 1231-1275, 2022
Substitution impacts of wood‐based textile fibers: Influence of market assumptions
E Hurmekoski, J Suuronen, L Ahlvik, J Kunttu, T Myllyviita
Journal of Industrial Ecology 26 (4), 1564-1577, 2022
Optimal phosphorus abatement redefined: Insights from coupled element cycles
A Iho, L Ahlvik, P Ekholm, J Lehtoranta, P Kortelainen
Ecological Economics 137, 13-19, 2017
Value of adaptation in water protection—Economic impacts of uncertain climate change in the Baltic Sea
L Ahlvik, K Hyytiäinen
Ecological Economics 116, 231-240, 2015
Environmental economic research as a tool in the protection of the Baltic Sea:–costs and benefits of reducing eutrophication
K Hyytiäinen, K Blyh, B Hasler, L Ahlvik, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, S Ericsdotter
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2014
Screening green innovation through carbon pricing
L Ahlvik, I den Bijgaart
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 124 (102932), 2024
Quantifying supply-side climate policies
L Ahlvik, JJ Andersen, JH Hamang, T Harding
Resource investments and the timing of tax deductions
L Ahlvik, T Harding
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2024
Pigouvian Income Taxation
L Ahlvik, M Liski, M Mäkimattila
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2024
Optimal geoengineering experiments
L Ahlvik, A Iho
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 92, 148-168, 2018
Worth it: benefits outweigh costs in reducing eutrophication in the Baltic
K Hyytiäinen, B Hasler, S Ericsdotter, M Nekoro, K Blyh, J Artell, L Ahlvik, ...
BalticSTERN summary report for HELCOM 2013 ministerial meeting, 2013
Suomen luonnon tila ja tulevaisuus–skenaariotarkastelu luontokadon pysäyttämiseksi vaadittavista toimista
J Kangas, T Majasalmi, HMK Juva, JS Kotiaho, LM Ahlvik
Suomen Luontopaneeli, 2023
Sähkön hinnannousun ja sähkötukien arvioidut vaikutukset kotitalouksiin
L Ahlvik, S Alhola, T Blauberg, H Laasonen, M Liski, O Malinen, M Mattila, ...
Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus, 2023
Soiden ennallistamisen suoluonto-, vesistö-ja ilmastovaikutukset: Luontopaneelin yhteenveto ja suositukset luontopolitiikan suunnittelun ja päätöksenteon tueksi
T Ketola, LM Ahlvik, C Boström, J Bäck, J Jokimäki, KP Kallio, L Kulmala, ...
Suomen luontopaneeli, 2021
Prospects for cost-efficient water protection in the Baltic Sea
K Hyytiäinen, L Ahlvik
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 8, 2014
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