Kordula De Kuthy
Kordula De Kuthy
Researcher, Leibniz Institut für Wissensmedien
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Discontinuous NPs in German
K De Kuthy
Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2002
Annotation guidelines for questions under discussion and information structure
A Riester, L Brunetti, K De Kuthy
Information structure in lesser-described languages: Studies in prosody and …, 2018
Scaling up intervention studies to investigate real-life foreign language learning in school
D Meurers, K De Kuthy, F Nuxoll, B Rudzewitz, R Ziai
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 39, 161-188, 2019
On partial constituent fronting in German
K De Kuthy, WD Meurers
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 3, 143-205, 2001
Discontinuous NPs in German-A Case Study of the Interaction of Syntax
K De Kuthy
Semantics and Pragmatics/CSLI Publications, 2002
The secret life of focus exponents, and what it tells us about fronted verbal projections
K De Kuthy, WD Meurers
Proceedings of the Tenth Int. Conference on HPSG. Stanford, CA: CSLI …, 2003
Discontinuous NPs in German: a case study of the interaction of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics
K De Kuthy
(No Title), 2000
Developing a web-based workbook for English supporting the interaction of students and teachers
B Rudzewitz, R Ziai, K De Kuthy, D Meurers
Proceedings of the joint workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language …, 2017
QUD-based annotation of discourse structure and information structure: Tool and evaluation
K De Kuthy, N Reiter, A Riester
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Generating feedback for English foreign language exercises
B Rudzewitz, R Ziai, K De Kuthy, V Möller, F Nuxoll, D Meurers
Proceedings of the thirteenth workshop on innovative use of NLP for building …, 2018
Splitting PPs from NPs
K De Kuthy
Constraint-based approaches to Germanic syntax, 31-76, 2001
Digitale Differenzierung benötigt Informationen zu Sprache, Aufgabe und Lerner
D Meurers, K De Kuthy, V Möller, F Nuxoll, B Rudzewitz, R Ziai
Zur Generierung von individuellem Feedback in einem interaktiven Arbeitsheft …, 2018
Case assignment in partially fronted constituents
WD Meurers, K De Kuthy
na, 2001
Modularity of grammatical constraints in HPSG-based grammar implementations
WD Meurers, K De Kuthy, V Metcalf
Proceedings of the esslli 2003 workshop “ideas and strategies for …, 2003
The information structure of discontinuous NPs in German
K De Kuthy
Proceedings of the 8th International HPSG Conference, Stanford, 148-161, 2002
Towards automatically generating questions under discussion to link information and discourse structure
K De Kuthy, M Kannan, HS Ponnusamy, D Meurers
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational …, 2020
Enhancing a Web-based Language Tutoring System with Learning Analytics.
B Rudzewitz, R Ziai, F Nuxoll, K De Kuthy, D Meurers
EDM (Workshops), 1-7, 2019
Dealing with optional complements in HPSG-based grammar implementations
K De Kuthy, WD Meurers
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Head-Driven Phrase …, 2003
Information structure
K De Kuthy
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook, 1043-1078, 2021
Feedback strategies for form and meaning in a real-life language tutoring system
R Ziai, B Rudzewitz, K De Kuthy, F Nuxoll, D Meurers
Proceedings of the 7th workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language …, 2018
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