Per Roland
Per Roland
Professor of Neurodynamics University of Copenhagen
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Supplementary motor area and other cortical areas in organization of voluntary movements in man
PE Roland, B Larsen, NA Lassen, E Skinhoj
Journal of neurophysiology 43 (1), 118-136, 1980
Localization of cortical areas activated by thinking
PE Roland, L Friberg
Journal of neurophysiology 53 (5), 1219-1243, 1985
Activation by attention of the human reticular formation and thalamic intralaminar nuclei
S Kinomura, J Larsson, B Gulyas, PE Roland
Science 271 (5248), 512-515, 1996
Two different areas within the primary motor cortex of man
S Geyer, A Ledberg, A Schleicher, S Kinomura, T Schormann, U Bürgel, ...
Nature 382 (6594), 805-807, 1996
Brain activation.
PE Roland
Wiley-Liss, 1993
Asymmetry in the human motor cortex and handedness
K Amunts, G Schlaug, A Schleicher, H Steinmetz, A Dabringhaus, ...
Neuroimage 4 (3), 216-222, 1996
Different cortical areas in man in organization of voluntary movements in extrapersonal space
PE Roland, E Skinhoj, NA Lassen, B Larsen
Journal of Neurophysiology 43 (1), 137-150, 1980
Smelling of odorous sex hormone-like compounds causes sex-differentiated hypothalamic activations in humans
I Savic, H Berglund, B Gulyas, P Roland
Neuron 31 (4), 661-668, 2001
Olfactory functions are mediated by parallel and hierarchical processing
I Savic, B Gulyas, M Larsson, P Roland
Neuron 26 (3), 735-745, 2000
In-vivo demonstration of reduced benzodiazepine receptor binding in human epileptic foci
I Savic, P Roland, G Sedvall, A Persson, S Pauli, L Widen
The Lancet 332 (8616), 863-866, 1988
Does mental activity change the oxidative metabolism of the brain?
PE Roland, L Eriksson, S Stone-Elander, L Widen
Journal of Neuroscience 7 (8), 2373-2389, 1987
Learning of sequential finger movements in man: a combined kinematic and positron emission tomography (PET) study
RJ Seitz, PE Roland
European Journal of Neuroscience 4 (2), 154-165, 1992
Illusory arm movements activate cortical motor areas: a positron emission tomography study
E Naito, HH Ehrsson, S Geyer, K Zilles, PE Roland
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (14), 6134-6144, 1999
Human somatosensory area 2: observer-independent cytoarchitectonic mapping, interindividual variability, and population map
C Grefkes, S Geyer, T Schormann, P Roland, K Zilles
Neuroimage 14 (3), 617-631, 2001
Motor learning in man: a positron emission tomographic study
RJ Seitz, PE Roland, C Bohm, T Greitz, S Stone-Elander
Neuroreport 1 (1), 57-60, 1990
Brain atlases-a new research tool
PE Roland, K Zilles
Trends in neurosciences 17 (11), 458-467, 1994
Hierarchical processing of tactile shape in the human brain
A Bodegċrd, S Geyer, C Grefkes, K Zilles, PE Roland
Neuron 31 (2), 317-328, 2001
Visual memory, visual imagery, and visual recognition of large field patterns by the human brain: functional anatomy by positron emission tomography
PE Roland, B Gulyás
Cerebral Cortex 5 (1), 79-93, 1995
Regional cerebral blood flow changes in cortex and basal ganglia during voluntary movements in normal human volunteers
PE Roland, E Meyer, T Shibasaki, YL Yamamoto, CJ Thompson
Journal of Neurophysiology 48 (2), 467-480, 1982
Visual imagery and visual representation
PE Roland, B Gulyas
Trends in neurosciences 17 (7), 281-287, 1994
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Articles 1–20