Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen
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Cited by
State-space models for bio-loggers: A methodological road map
ID Jonsen, M Basson, S Bestley, MV Bravington, TA Patterson, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 88, 34-46, 2013
Manual of recommended practices for modelling physical–biological interactions during fish early life.
EW North, A Gallego, P Petitgas
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), 2009
Fluid motion and solute distribution around sinking aggregates. I. Small-scale fluxes and heterogeneity of nutrients in the pelagic environment
T Kiørboe, H Ploug, UH Thygesen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 211, 1-13, 2001
Estimating animal behavior and residency from movement data
MW Pedersen, TA Patterson, UH Thygesen, H Madsen
Oikos 120 (9), 1281-1290, 2011
Geolocation of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua) using hidden Markov models and behavioural switching
MW Pedersen, D Righton, UH Thygesen, KH Andersen, H Madsen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (11), 2367-2377, 2008
A model of extracellular enzymes in free-living microbes: which strategy pays off?
SJ Traving, UH Thygesen, L Riemann, CA Stedmon
Applied and environmental microbiology 81 (21), 7385-7393, 2015
Positioning of aquatic animals based on time-of-arrival and random walk models using YAPS (Yet Another Positioning Solver)
H Baktoft, KØ Gjelland, F Økland, UH Thygesen
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14294, 2017
Fluid motion and solute distribution around sinking aggregates. II. Implications for remote detection by colonizing zooplankters
T Kiørboe, UH Thygesen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 211, 15-25, 2001
Validation of ecological state space models using the Laplace approximation
UH Thygesen, CM Albertsen, CW Berg, K Kristensen, A Nielsen
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 24, 317-339, 2017
Vertical migration and dispersion of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and herring (Clupea harengus) schools at dusk in the Baltic Sea
LAF Nilsson, UH Thygesen, B Lundgren, BF Nielsen, JR Nielsen, ...
Aquatic Living Resources 16 (3), 317-324, 2003
Estimating spatio-temporal dynamics of size-structured populations
K Kristensen, UH Thygesen, KH Andersen, JE Beyer
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71 (2), 326-336, 2013
Estimation methods for nonlinear state-space models in ecology
MW Pedersen, CW Berg, UH Thygesen, A Nielsen, H Madsen
Ecological Modelling 222 (8), 1394-1400, 2011
A survey of lyapunov techniques for stochastic differential equations
UH Thygesen
Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, 1997
Geolocating fish using hidden Markov models and data storage tags
UH Thygesen, MW Pedersen, H Madsen
Tagging and tracking of marine animals with electronic devices, 277-293, 2009
Electronic reporting of diagnostic laboratory test results from all healthcare sectors is a cornerstone of national preparedness and control of COVID‐19 in Denmark
K Schønning, RB Dessau, TG Jensen, NM Thorsen, C Wiuff, L Nielsen, ...
Apmis 129 (7), 438-451, 2021
The evolutionary pressure from fishing on size at maturation of Baltic cod
KH Andersen, KD Farnsworth, UH Thygesen, JE Beyer
ecological modelling 204 (1-2), 246-252, 2007
How to estimate scavenger fish abundance using baited camera data
KD Farnsworth, UH Thygesen, S Ditlevsen, NJ King
Marine Ecology Progress Series 350, 223-234, 2007
Modelling the attack success of planktonic predators: patterns and mechanisms of prey size selectivity
P Caparroy, UH Thygesen, AW Visser
Journal of Plankton Research 22 (10), 1871-1871, 2000
Interrelations between senescence, life‐history traits, and behavior in planktonic copepods
T Kiørboe, S Ceballos, UH Thygesen
Ecology 96 (8), 2225-2235, 2015
Blind dating—mate finding in planktonic copepods. II. The pheromone cloud of Pseudocalanus elongatus
T Kiørboe, E Bagøien, UH Thygesen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 300, 117-128, 2005
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Articles 1–20