Hao Yu
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Cited by
Reverse logistics network design for effective management of medical waste in epidemic outbreaks: Insights from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan (China)
H Yu, X Sun, WD Solvang, X Zhao
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (5), 1770, 2020
Moving from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: what are the implications for smart logistics?
N Jefroy, M Azarian, H Yu
Logistics 6 (2), 26, 2022
The application of Industry 4.0 technologies in sustainable logistics: A systematic literature review (2012–2020) to explore future research opportunities
X Sun, H Yu, WD Solvang, Y Wang, K Wang
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, 9560-9591, 2021
A general reverse logistics network design model for product reuse and recycling with environmental considerations
H Yu, WD Solvang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 87, 2693-2711, 2016
A fuzzy-stochastic multi-objective model for sustainable planning of a closed-loop supply chain considering mixed uncertainty and network flexibility
H Yu, WD Solvang
Journal of Cleaner Production 266, 121702, 2020
Incorporating flexible capacity in the planning of a multi-product multi-echelon sustainable reverse logistics network under uncertainty
H Yu, WD Solvang
Journal of cleaner production 198, 285-303, 2018
A carbon-constrained stochastic optimization model with augmented multi-criteria scenario-based risk-averse solution for reverse logistics network design under uncertainty
H Yu, WD Solvang
Journal of cleaner production 164, 1248-1267, 2017
An Improved Multi-Objective Programming with Augmented ε-Constraint Method for Hazardous Waste Location-Routing Problems
H Yu, WD Solvang
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (6), 548, 2016
A stochastic network design problem for hazardous waste management
H Yu, X Sun, WD Solvang, G Laporte, CKM Lee
Journal of cleaner production 277, 123566, 2020
Towards the smart and sustainable transformation of Reverse Logistics 4.0: a conceptualization and research agenda
X Sun, H Yu, WD Solvang
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (46), 69275-69293, 2022
A simulation-based analysis for effective distribution of COVID-19 vaccines: A case study in Norway
X Sun, EA Andoh, H Yu
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11, 100453, 2021
A stochastic programming approach with improved multi-criteria scenario-based solution method for sustainable reverse logistics design of waste electrical and electronic …
H Yu, WD Solvang
Sustainability 8 (12), 1331, 2016
A multi-objective location-allocation optimization for sustainable management of municipal solid waste
H Yu, WD Solvang
Environment Systems and Decisions 37, 289-308, 2017
A green supply chain network design model for enhancing competitiveness and sustainability of companies in high north arctic regions
H Yu, WD Solvang, C Chen
International Journal of Energy and Environment 5 (4), 403-418, 2014
Do We Perform Systematic Literature Review Right? A Scientific Mapping and Methodological Assessment
M Azarian, H Yu, AT Shiferaw, TK Stevik
Logistics 7 (4), 89, 2023
A two-stage decision-support approach for improving sustainable last-mile cold chain logistics operations of COVID-19 vaccines
EA Andoh, H Yu
Annals of Operations Research 328, 75-105, 2022
Optimization of long-term performance of municipal solid waste management system: A bi-objective mathematical model
H Yu, WD Solvang, S Li
International Journal of Energy and Environment 6 (2), 153-164, 2015
A decision aided system for sustainable waste management
H Yu, WD Solvang, S Yuan, Y Yang
Intelligent Decision Technologies 9 (1), 29-40, 2015
A co-scheduling problem of ship lift and ship lock at the Three Gorges Dam
X Zhao, Q Lin, H Yu
IEEE Access 8, 132893-132910, 2020
A multi-objective decision support system for simulation and optimization of municipal solid waste management system
H Yu, WD Solvang, S Yuan
Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2012 IEEE 3rd International …, 2012
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Articles 1–20