Matthias A. Müller
Matthias A. Müller
Professor for Automatic Control, Leibniz University Hannover / L3S Research Center, Germany
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Data-driven model predictive control with stability and robustness guarantees
J Berberich, J Köhler, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (4), 1702-1717, 2020
A computationally efficient robust model predictive control framework for uncertain nonlinear systems
J Köhler, R Soloperto, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (2), 794-801, 2020
Economic nonlinear model predictive control
T Faulwasser, L Grüne, MA Müller
Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control 5 (1), 1-98, 2018
Input/output-to-state stability and state-norm estimators for switched nonlinear systems
MA Müller, D Liberzon
Automatica 48 (9), 2029-2039, 2012
Cooperative control of dynamically decoupled systems via distributed model predictive control
MA Müller, M Reble, F Allgöwer
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 22 (12), 1376-1397, 2012
Linear tracking MPC for nonlinear systems—Part II: The data-driven case
J Berberich, J Köhler, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (9), 4406-4421, 2022
On the relation between strict dissipativity and turnpike properties
L Grüne, MA Müller
Systems & Control Letters 90, 45-53, 2016
On necessity and robustness of dissipativity in economic model predictive control
MA Müller, D Angeli, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (6), 1671-1676, 2014
Learning-based robust model predictive control with state-dependent uncertainty
R Soloperto, MA Müller, S Trimpe, F Allgöwer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (20), 442-447, 2018
Economic model predictive control with self-tuning terminal cost
MA Müller, D Angeli, F Allgöwer
European Journal of Control 19 (5), 408-416, 2013
A nonlinear model predictive control framework using reference generic terminal ingredients
J Köhler, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (8), 3576-3583, 2019
Economic model predictive control without terminal constraints for optimal periodic behavior
MA Müller, L Grüne
Automatica 70, 128-139, 2016
Nonlinear reference tracking: An economic model predictive control perspective
J Köhler, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (1), 254-269, 2018
Economic and distributed model predictive control: Recent developments in optimization-based control
MA Müller, F Allgöwer
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration 10 (2), 39-52, 2017
Nonlinear moving horizon estimation in the presence of bounded disturbances
MA Müller
Automatica 79, 306-314, 2017
Model predictive control of switched nonlinear systems under average dwell-time
MA Müller, P Martius, F Allgöwer
Journal of Process Control 22 (9), 1702-1710, 2012
Tube-based robust economic model predictive control
FA Bayer, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
Journal of Process Control 24 (8), 1237-1246, 2014
A novel constraint tightening approach for nonlinear robust model predictive control
J Köhler, MA Müller, F Allgöwer
2018 Annual American control conference (ACC), 728-734, 2018
Improving performance in model predictive control: Switching cost functionals under average dwell-time
MA Müller, F Allgöwer
Automatica 48 (2), 402-409, 2012
A robust adaptive model predictive control framework for nonlinear uncertain systems
J Köhler, P Kötting, R Soloperto, F Allgöwer, MA Müller
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 31 (18), 8725-8749, 2021
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