Yixin (Sarah) Zhang
Yixin (Sarah) Zhang
Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg
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Cited by
Retaining users after privacy invasions: The roles of institutional privacy assurances and threat-coping appraisal in mitigating privacy concerns
L Wang, Z Sun, X Dai, Y Zhang, H Hu
Information Technology & People 32 (6), 1679-1703, 2019
The faster the better? Innovation speed and user interest in open source software
JQ Dong, W Wu, YS Zhang
Information & Management 56 (5), 669-680, 2019
Micro-Level Mechanisms to Support Value Co-Creation for Design of Digital Services
T Tuunanen, J Lumivalo, T Vartiainen, Y Zhang, MM Myers
Journal of Service Research, 10946705231173116, 2023
How do interruptions affect user contributions on social commerce?
Y Zhang, L Liu, SY Ho
Information Systems Journal 30 (3), 535-565, 2020
What to post? Understanding engagement cultivation in microblogging with big data-driven theory building
Y Zhang, C Ridings, A Semenov
International Journal of Information Management, 102509, 2022
IT Enabled environmentally Friendly Consumption: IT Features Addressing Challenges in Consumer Decision Making.
Y Zhang
ECIS, 2012
How Do Explicitly Expressed Emotions Influence Interpersonal Communication and Information Dissemination? A Field Study of Emoji's Effects on Commenting and Retweeting on A …
YZ Zhixing Zhang
PACIS,, 2016
Leveraging Micro Blogging to Build Trust by Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Pioneers in China
SY Zhang, Z Zhang
Proceedings of the Annual SIG Global Development Workshop, 2012
Cultural Values’ Influences on Users’ Preferences for Gamification Techniques
I Usunobun, E Anti, F Hu, L Habila, R Sayed, Y Zhang, T Tuunanen
ICIS, 2019
ICO Crowdfunding: Incentives, Pricing Strategy, Token Strategy and Crowd Involvement
G Laatikainen, A Semenov, Y Zhang, P Abrahamsson
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming–Workshops …, 2020
Social Enterprises in Organic Farming and Their Usage of IT
YS Zhang
23nd Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2016
Social Enterprises in Organic Farming and Their Usage of IT
Y Zhang
AMCIS,, 2016
Toward Citizen-Centered Digital Government: Design Principles Guided Legacy System Renewal in A Swedish Municipality
P Persson, Y Zhang, A Asatiani, J Lindman, D Rudmark
Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2024
Technical Debt in the Municipality Sector - The Missing Link with Citizens and Silofication
P Persson, Y Zhang, A Asatiani, J Lindman, Rudmark, Daniel
The 14th Scandinavian Conference of Information Systems, 2023
Role of Data in the Building of Legitimacy for Green Bonds — Capturing, Contextualizing, and Communicating
O Tona, Y Zhang, A Asatiani, J Lindman
Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023
Influencer Marketing and Commercialization of Social Media Platforms: How Do Consumers React to Blurred-boundary Advertisements?
Y Zhang, L Liu, CQ Bi
Do users really care about privacy? Mobile applications’ popularity, user satisfaction, and permission requests
Y Zhang, RG Garcia
What Key Aspects Do ICOs Reveal About Their Businesses?
G Laatikainen, A Semenov, Y Zhang, P Abrahamsson
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming–Workshops …, 2020
Technology Features, Empowering Perceptions, and Voicing Behavior on Microblog
SY Zhang, K Yan Tam
AMCIS, 2012
Who will stay? Using Deep Learning to predict engagement of citizen scientists
A Semenov, Y Zhang, M Ponti, 2022
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Articles 1–20