Anna Lintunen
Anna Lintunen
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki
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Leaf carbon and water status control stomatal and nonstomatal limitations of photosynthesis in trees
Y Salmon, A Lintunen, A Dayet, T Chan, R Dewar, T Vesala, T Hölttä
New phytologist 226 (3), 690-703, 2020
Osmolality and non-structural carbohydrate composition in the secondary phloem of trees across a latitudinal gradient in Europe
A Lintunen, T Paljakka, T Jyske, M Peltoniemi, F Sterck, G Von Arx, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 726, 2016
Anatomical regulation of ice nucleation and cavitation helps trees to survive freezing and drought stress
A Lintunen, T Hölttä, M Kulmala
Scientific Reports 3 (1), 2031, 2013
The effect of tree architecture on conduit diameter and frequency from small distal roots to branch tips in Betula pendula, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris
A Lintunen, T Kalliokoski
Tree physiology 30 (11), 1433-1447, 2010
Responses of crown architecture in Betula pendula to competition are dependent on the species of neighbouring trees
A Lintunen, P Kaitaniemi
Trees 24, 411-424, 2010
A steady-state stomatal model of balanced leaf gas exchange, hydraulics and maximal source–sink flux
T Hölttä, A Lintunen, T Chan, A Mäkelä, E Nikinmaa
Tree physiology 37 (7), 851-868, 2017
Neighbor identity and competition influence tree growth in Scots pine, Siberian larch, and silver birch
P Kaitaniemi, A Lintunen
Annals of Forest Science 67, 604-604, 2010
Models of 3D crown structure for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula pendula) grown in mixed forest
A Lintunen, R Sievänen, P Kaitaniemi, J Perttunen
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (9), 1779-1794, 2011
Water relations in silver birch during springtime: How is sap pressurised?
T Hölttä, MDR Dominguez Carrasco, Y Salmon, J Aalto, A Vanhatalo, ...
Plant Biology 20 (5), 834-847, 2018
Quantifying in situ phenotypic variability in the hydraulic properties of four tree species across their distribution range in Europe
N González-Muñoz, F Sterck, JM Torres-Ruiz, G Petit, H Cochard, ...
PLoS One 13 (5), e0196075, 2018
Gradients and dynamics of inner bark and needle osmotic potentials in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst)
T Paljakka, T Jyske, A Lintunen, H Aaltonen, E Nikinmaa, T Hölttä
Plant, Cell & Environment 40 (10), 2160-2173, 2017
Tree differences in primary and secondary growth drive convergent scaling in leaf area to sapwood area across Europe
G Petit, G Von Arx, N Kiorapostolou, S Lechthaler, AL Prendin, T Anfodillo, ...
New Phytologist 218 (4), 1383-1392, 2018
Bursts of CO2 released during freezing offer a new perspective on avoidance of winter embolism in trees
A Lintunen, L Lindfors, P Kolari, E Juurola, E Nikinmaa, T Hölttä
Annals of Botany 114 (8), 1711-1718, 2014
Xylem diameter changes during osmotic stress, desiccation and freezing in Pinus sylvestris and Populus tremula
A Lintunen, L Lindfors, E Nikinmaa, T Hölttä
Tree physiology 37 (4), 491-500, 2017
Precision of allometric scaling equations for trees can be improved by including the effect of ecological interactions
P Kaitaniemi, A Lintunen
Trees 22, 579-584, 2008
Irreversible diameter change of wood segments correlates with other methods for estimating frost tolerance of living cells in freeze-thaw experiment: a case study with seven …
A Lintunen, T Paljakka, A Riikonen, L Lindén, L Lindfors, E Nikinmaa, ...
Annals of forest science 72, 1089-1098, 2015
The influence of soil temperature and water content on belowground hydraulic conductance and leaf gas exchange in mature trees of three boreal species
A Lintunen, T Paljakka, Y Salmon, R Dewar, A Riikonen, T Hölttä
Plant, Cell & Environment 43 (3), 532-547, 2020
Overview: recent advances on the understanding of the Northern Eurasian environments and of the urban air quality in China-Pan Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) program perspective
H Lappalainen, T Petäjä, T Vihma, J Räisänen, A Baklanov, S Chalov, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2021, 1-106, 2021
Drivers of apoplastic freezing in gymnosperm and angiosperm branches
A Lintunen, S Mayr, Y Salmon, H Cochard, T Hölttä
Ecology and evolution 8 (1), 333-343, 2018
Power-law estimation of branch growth
P Kaitaniemi, A Lintunen, R Sievänen
Ecological Modelling 416, 108900, 2020
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Articles 1–20