Francesco Rentocchini
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Cited by
Born to be green: new insights into the economics and management of green entrepreneurship
P Demirel, QC Li, F Rentocchini, JP Tamvada
Small Business Economics 52, 759-771, 2019
Inventors and Entrepreneurs in Academia: What Types of Skills and Experience Matter?
P D'Este, S Mahdi, A Neely, F Rentocchini
Technovation 32 (5), 293-303, 2012
The role of human capital in lowering the barriers to engaging in innovation: evidence from the Spanish innovation survey
P D'Este, F Rentocchini, JM Vega Jurado
Industry and Innovation 21 (1), 1-19, 2014
Why do firms invest abroad? An analysis of the motives underlying Foreign Direct Investments
C Franco, F Rentocchini, G Vittucci Marzetti
The Icfai University Journal of International Business Law 9 (1-2), 42-65, 2010
The importance of pro-social behaviour for the breadth and depth of knowledge transfer activities: An analysis of Italian academic scientists
R Iorio, S Labory, F Rentocchini
Research Policy 46 (2), 497-509, 2017
‘Better late than never’: the interplay between green technology and age for firm growth
R Leoncini, A Marzucchi, S Montresor, F Rentocchini, U Rizzo
Small Business Economics 52, 891-904, 2019
The relationship between interdisciplinarity and distinct modes of university-industry interaction
P D’este, O Llopis, F Rentocchini, A Yegros
Research Policy 48 (9), 103799, 2019
The 2021 eu industrial r&d investment scoreboard
N Grassano, H Hernandez Guevara, P Fako, A Tuebke, S Amoroso, ...
EUR, 2021
Open data for open innovation: managing absorptive capacity in SMEs
F Huber, T Wainwright, F Rentocchini
R&D Management 50 (1), 31-46, 2020
Firm ownership, quality of government and innovation: Evidence from patenting in the telecommunication industry
S Clò, M Florio, F Rentocchini
Research Policy 49 (5), 103960, 2020
The relationship between academic consulting and research performance: evidence from five Spanish universities
F Rentocchini, P D'Este, L Manjarrés-Henríquez, R Grimaldi
International Journal of Industrial Organization 32, 70-83, 2014
Is Open Source software about innovation? Collaborations with the Open Source community and innovation performance of software entrepreneurial ventures
E Piva, F Rentocchini, C Rossi Lamastra
Journal of Small Business Management 50 (2), 340-364, 2012
An agent-based model of innovation diffusion: network structure and coexistence under different information regimes
G Pegoretti, F Rentocchini, G Vittucci Marzetti
Journal of economic interaction and coordination 7 (2), 145-165, 2012
Regional artificial intelligence and the geography of environmental technologies: does local AI knowledge help regional green-tech specialization?
G Cicerone, A Faggian, S Montresor, F Rentocchini
Regional Studies 57 (2), 330-343, 2023
Exploring and yet failing less: learning from past and current exploration in R&D
P D'Este, A Marzucchi, F Rentocchini
Industrial and Corporate Change, 1-29, 2017
Patenting in 4IR technologies and firm performance
M Benassi, E Grinza, F Rentocchini, L Rondi
Industrial and Corporate Change 31 (1), 112-136, 2022
The rush for patents in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
M Benassi, E Grinza, F Rentocchini
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 47, 559-588, 2020
CO2-reducing innovations and outsourcing: Evidence from photovoltaics and green construction in North-East Italy
R Leoncini, S Montresor, F Rentocchini
Research Policy 45 (8), 1649-1659, 2016
Introduction to the special issue on “the twin (digital and green) transition: handling the economic and social challenges”
D Diodato, E Huergo, P Moncada-Paternò-Castello, F Rentocchini, ...
Industry and Innovation 30 (7), 755-765, 2023
That was then, this is now: skills and routinization in the 2000s
D Consoli, F Vona, F Rentocchini
Industrial and Corporate Change 25 (5), 847-866, 2016
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Articles 1–20