Antti Hyttinen
Antti Hyttinen
Silo AI
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Constraint-based Causal Discovery: Conflict Resolution with Answer Set Programming.
A Hyttinen, F Eberhardt, M Järvisalo
UAI, 340-349, 2014
Learning Linear Cyclic Causal Models with Latent Variables
A Hyttinen, F Eberhardt, PO Hoyer
Journal of Machine Learning Research 13, 3387-3439, 2012
Discovering Cyclic Causal Models with Latent Variables: A General SAT-Based Procedure
A Hyttinen, PO Hoyer, F Eberhardt, M Järvisalo
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Experiment selection for causal discovery
A Hyttinen, F Eberhardt, PO Hoyer
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 14 (1), 3041-3071, 2013
Do-calculus when the True Graph Is Unknown.
A Hyttinen, F Eberhardt, M Järvisalo
UAI, 395-404, 2015
Causal Discovery from Subsampled Time Series Data by Constraint Optimization
A Hyttinen, S Plis, M Järvisalo, F Eberhardt, D Danks
International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM), 2016
Towards Scalable Bayesian Learning of Causal DAGs
J Viinikka, A Hyttinen, J Pensar, M Koivisto
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, NeurIPS 2020., 2020
Bayesian discovery of linear acyclic causal models
PO Hoyer, A Hyttinen
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence …, 2009
Identifying causal effects via context-specific independence relations
S Tikka, A Hyttinen, J Karvanen
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, NeurIPS 2019., 2020
Reduced cost fixing in MaxSAT
F Bacchus, A Hyttinen, M Järvisalo, P Saikko
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2017
Applications of MaxSAT in data analysis
OJ Berg, AJ Hyttinen, MJ Järvisalo
International Conferences on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability …, 2019
A logical approach to context-specific independence
J Corander, A Hyttinen, J Kontinen, J Pensar, J Väänänen
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (9), 975-992, 2019
Causal effect identification from multiple incomplete data sources: A general search-based approach
S Tikka, A Hyttinen, J Karvanen
Journal of Statistical Software 99 (5), 2021
Learning Optimal Chain Graphs with Answer Set Programming
D Sonntag, M Järvisalo, JM Pena, A Hyttinen, 2015
Causal discovery for linear cyclic models with latent variables
A Hyttinen, F Eberhardt, PO Hoyer
Fifth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM-2010), 2010
A constraint optimization approach to causal discovery from subsampled time series data
A Hyttinen, S Plis, M Järvisalo, F Eberhardt, D Danks
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 90, 208-225, 2017
A Core-Guided Approach to Learning Optimal Causal Graphs.
A Hyttinen, P Saikko, M Järvisalo
IJCAI, 645-651, 2017
Causal Discovery of Linear Cyclic Models from Multiple Experimental Data Sets with Overlapping Variables
A Hyttinen, F Eberhardt, PO Hoyer
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Discovering causal graphs with cycles and latent confounders: An exact branch-and-bound approach
K Rantanen, A Hyttinen, M Järvisalo
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 117, 29-49, 2020
Do-search: A tool for causal inference and study design with multiple data sources
J Karvanen, S Tikka, A Hyttinen
Epidemiology 32 (1), 111-119, 2021
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Articles 1–20