Aron Culotta
Aron Culotta
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Tulane University
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Dependency tree kernels for relation extraction
A Culotta, J Sorensen
Proceedings of the 42nd annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2004
Towards detecting influenza epidemics by analyzing Twitter messages
A Culotta
Proceedings of the first workshop on social media analytics, 115-122, 2010
Reducing labeling effort for structured prediction tasks
A Culotta, A McCallum
AAAI 5, 746-751, 2005
Extracting social networks and contact information from email and the web
A Culotta, R Bekkerman, A McCallum
Computer Science Department Faculty Publication Series, 33, 2004
Mining brand perceptions from twitter social networks
A Culotta, J Cutler
Marketing science 35 (3), 343-362, 2016
Tweedr: Mining twitter to inform disaster response.
Z Ashktorab, C Brown, M Nandi, A Culotta
ISCRAM, 269-272, 2014
Integrating probabilistic extraction models and data mining to discover relations and patterns in text
A Culotta, A McCallum, J Betz
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Main …, 2006
First-order probabilistic models for coreference resolution
A Culotta, M Wick, A McCallum
Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American …, 2007
A demographic analysis of online sentiment during hurricane irene
B Mandel, A Culotta, J Boulahanis, D Stark, B Lewis, J Rodrigue
Proceedings of the second workshop on language in social media, 27-36, 2012
Predicting the demographics of twitter users from website traffic data
A Culotta, N Kumar, J Cutler
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 29 (1), 2015
Interactive information extraction with constrained conditional random fields
T Kristjansson, A Culotta, P Viola, A McCallum
AAAI 4, 412-418, 2004
Estimating county health statistics with twitter
A Culotta
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2014
Confidence estimation for information extraction
A Culotta, A McCallum
Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2004: Short Papers, 109-112, 2004
Detecting influenza outbreaks by analyzing Twitter messages
A Culotta
arXiv preprint arXiv:1007.4748, 2010
Inferring the origin locations of tweets with quantitative confidence
R Priedhorsky, A Culotta, SY Del Valle
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2014
Author disambiguation using error-driven machine learning with a ranking loss function
A Culotta, P Kanani, R Hall, M Wick, A McCallum
Sixth International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb-07 …, 2007
Lightweight methods to estimate influenza rates and alcohol sales volume from Twitter messages
A Culotta
Language resources and evaluation 47, 217-238, 2013
Joint deduplication of multiple record types in relational data
A Culotta, A McCallum
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2005
Graphical User Interfaces Supporting Method And System For Electronic Discovery Using Social Network Analysis
MA Cordover, A Liu, S Green, J Bodner, SS Chintaluri, A Culotta
US Patent App. 13/010,304, 2011
Robustness to spurious correlations in text classification via automatically generated counterfactuals
Z Wang, A Culotta
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (16), 14024 …, 2021
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Articles 1–20