Darryl Veitch
Cited by
Cited by
Wavelet analysis of long-range-dependent traffic
P Abry, D Veitch
IEEE transactions on information theory 44 (1), 2-15, 1998
A wavelet-based joint estimator of the parameters of long-range dependence
D Veitch, P Abry
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45 (3), 878-897, 1999
Wavelets for the analysis, estimation, and synthesis of scaling data
P Abry, P Flandrin, MS Taqqu, D Veitch
Self‐similar network traffic and performance evaluation, 39-88, 2000
Multiscale nature of network traffic
P Abry, R Baraniuk, P Flandrin, R Riedi, D Veitch
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 19 (3), 28-46, 2002
Self-similarity and long-range dependence through the wavelet lens
P Abry, P Flandrin, MS Taqqu, D Veitch
Theory and applications of long-range dependence 1, 527-556, 2003
Inverting sampled traffic
N Hohn, D Veitch
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 222-233, 2003
Long‐range dependence: Revisiting aggregation with wavelets
P Abry, D Veitch, P Flandrin
Journal of Time Series Analysis 19 (3), 253-266, 1998
Self-similar traffic and network dynamics
A Erramilli, M Roughan, D Veitch, W Willinger
Proceedings of the IEEE 90 (5), 800-819, 2002
PC based precision timing without GPS
A Pásztor, D Veitch
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on …, 2002
Robust synchronization of software clocks across the internet
D Veitch, S Babu, A Pasztor
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement, 219-232, 2004
Cluster processes: a natural language for network traffic
N Hohn, D Veitch, P Abry
IEEE Transactions on Signal processing 51 (8), 2229-2244, 2003
Real-time estimation of the parameters of long-range dependence
R Roughan, D Veitch, P Abry
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 8 (4), 467-478, 2000
Heavy traffic analysis of a storage model with long range dependent on/off sources
F Brichet, J Roberts, A Simonian, D Veitch
Queueing systems 23, 197-215, 1996
The role of PASTA in network measurement
F Baccelli, S Machiraju, D Veitch, JC Bolot
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 36 (4), 231-242, 2006
Bridging router performance and queuing theory
N Hohn, D Veitch, K Papagiannaki, C Diot
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 32 (1), 355-366, 2004
Active probing using packet quartets
A Pásztor, D Veitch
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Internet Measurment, 293-305, 2002
Scaling in internet traffic: a 14 year and 3 day longitudinal study, with multiscale analyses and random projections
R Fontugne, P Abry, K Fukuda, D Veitch, K Cho, P Borgnat, H Wendt
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (4), 2152-2165, 2017
A precision infrastructure for active probing
A Pásztor
Proc. of PAM2001, Workshop and Passive and Active Measurements, 2001
The packet size dependence of packet pair like methods
A Pásztor, D Veitch
IEEE 2002 Tenth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (Cat. No …, 2002
A statistical test for the time constancy of scaling exponents
D Veich, P Abry
IEEE transactions on Signal Processing 49 (10), 2325-2334, 2001
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Articles 1–20