Thomas Sangrey
Thomas Sangrey
Nazarbayev University, Department of Physics
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Cited by
Metabolic energy cost of action potential velocity
P Crotty, T Sangrey, WB Levy
Journal of Neurophysiology 96 (3), 1237-1246, 2006
Alcohol excites cerebellar Golgi cells by inhibiting the Na+/K+ ATPase
P Botta, FMS de Souza, T Sangrey, E De Schutter, CF Valenzuela
Neuropsychopharmacology 35 (9), 1984-1996, 2010
Analysis of distinct short and prolonged components in rebound spiking of deep cerebellar nucleus neurons
T Sangrey, D Jaeger
European Journal of Neuroscience 32 (10), 1646-1657, 2010
Analysis of the optimal channel density of the squid giant axon using a reparameterized Hodgkin–Huxley model
TD Sangrey, WO Friesen, WB Levy
Journal of neurophysiology 91 (6), 2541-2550, 2004
Database analysis of simulated and recorded electrophysiological datasets with PANDORA’s toolbox
C Günay, JR Edgerton, S Li, T Sangrey, AA Prinz, D Jaeger
Neuroinformatics 7, 93-111, 2009
ac susceptibility of Sr 3 CuPt x Ir 1− x O 6: A magnetic system with competing interactions and dimensionality
SH Irons, TD Sangrey, KM Beauchamp, MD Smith, HC Zur Loye
Physical Review B 61 (17), 11594, 2000
Excitation of rat cerebellar Golgi cells by ethanol: further characterization of the mechanism
P Botta, FM Simões de Souza, T Sangrey, E De Schutter, CF Valenzuela
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 36 (4), 616-624, 2012
Conduction velocity costs energy
T Sangrey, WB Levy
Neurocomputing 65, 907-913, 2005
Optimization of battery strengths in the Hodgkin–Huxley model
P Crotty, T Sangrey
Neurocomputing 74 (18), 3843-3854, 2011
Reply to Jurisic and Bezanilla's letter to the editor
WB Levy, T Sangrey, WO Friesen, P Crotty
J Neurophys 96, 960, 2006
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Articles 1–10