Mi(Jamie) Zhou
Mi(Jamie) Zhou
Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU)
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Social presence, trust, and social commerce purchase intention: an empirical research
B Lu, W Fan, M Zhou
Computers in Human Behavior 56, 225-237, 2016
Project description and crowdfunding success: an exploratory study
M Zhou, B Lu, W Fan, GA Wang
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 259-274, 2018
Social media adoption and corporate disclosure
M Zhou, L Lei, J Wang, W Fan, AG Wang
Journal of Information Systems 29 (2), 23-50, 2015
An examination of the impact of tax avoidance on the readability of tax footnotes
KK Inger, MD Meckfessel, M Zhou, W Fan
The Journal of the American Taxation Association 40 (1), 1-29, 2018
Money talks: A predictive model on crowdfunding success using project description
Q Du, W Fan, Z Qiao, G Wang, X Zhang, M Zhou
A domain oriented LDA model for mining product defects from online customer reviews
Z Qiao, X Zhang, M Zhou, GA Wang, W Fan
Research in Social Media: Data Sources and Methodologies
R Debreceny, D Wang, M Zhou
Journal of Information Systems, 2018
The impact of customer reviews on product innovation: Empirical evidence in mobile apps
Z Qiao, GA Wang, M Zhou, W Fan
Analytics and Data Science: Advances in Research and Pedagogy, 95-110, 2018
Fool Me Once, Shame on You; Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me: The Long-Term Impact of Arthur Andersen’s Demise on Partners’ Audit Quality
F Guo, LL Lisic, J Pittman, TA Seidel, M Zhou, Y Zhou
Contemporary Accounting Research, 2022
Corporate social responsibility reporting, pyramidal structure and political interference: Evidence from China
J Wang, M Zhou, L Lei, W Fan
Journal of applied business research 32 (2), 703, 2016
Self-disclosure and received social support among women experiencing infertility on reddit: A natural language processing approach
W Zou, L Tang, M Zhou, X Zhang
Computers in Human Behavior 154, 108159, 2024
An efficient quantum key distribution protocol with dense coding on single photons
H Xiao, J Zhang, W Huang, M Zhou, W Hu
Computers, Materials and Continua, 2019
The informational role of imagery in financial decision making: A new approach
J Ronen, T Ronen, MJ Zhou, SE Gans
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 40, 100851, 2023
Do images provide relevant information to investors? An exploratory study
A Ben-Rephael, J Ronen, T Ronen, M Zhou
An Exploratory Study (November 18, 2021), 2021
An efficient quantum private query protocol based on Oracle and Grover iteration
H Xiao, WH Huang, M Zhou
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 58, 3025-3035, 2019
Do Facebook Activities Increase Sales
MJ Zhou, Z Qiao, X Zhang, Q Du, AG Wang, WP Fan
Anais do Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico 21, 2015
Do Facebook Activities Increase Sales?
Q Du, W Fan, Z Qiao, G Wang, X Zhang, M Zhou
Tone complexity and analyst forecast behaviors: evidence from earnings conference calls
K Kwon, M Zhou, T Wang, X Cheng, Z Qiao
Asian Review of Accounting, 2023
Money talks: A predictive model on crowdfunding success using project
MJ Zhou, Q Du, X Zhang, Z Qiao, AG Wang, WP Fan
Employee Ratings and Reviews Data from Glassdoor
M Zhou, Y Li, Z Qiao, B Shi
Journal of Information Systems, 1-13, 2024
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