Hannele Seeck
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Cited by
Johtamisopit Suomessa. Taylorismista innovaatioteorioihin. 3. uudistettu painos. (Management ideologies in Finland: from taylorism to the theories of innovation, 3rd revised …
H Seeck
Gaudeamus, 438 pages, 2012
A review of employee well‐being and innovativeness: An opportunity for a mutual benefit
H Huhtala, MR Parzefall
Creativity and innovation management 16 (3), 299-306, 2007
A literature review on HRM and innovation
H Seeck, MR Diehl
Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2013, 2013
A critical reading of the European Union’s social innovation policy discourse:(Re) legitimizing neoliberalism
M Fougère, B Segercrantz, H Seeck
Organization 24 (6), 819-843, 2017
Employee innovativeness in organizations: A review
MR Parzefall, H Seeck, A Leppänen
Finnish Journal of Business Economics 2 (08), 165-182, 2008
Kriisi ja viestintä. Yhteiskunnallisten kriisien johtaminen julkisuudessa (Crisis and communication: management of civil crisis in public sphere)
H Huhtala, S Hakala
Yhteiskunnallisten kriisien johtaminen julkisuudessa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2007
Employee agency: challenges and opportunities for psychological contract theory
H Seeck, MR Parzefall
Personnel Review 37 (5), 473-489, 2008
Dissemination of management into politics: Michael Porter and the political uses of management consulting
A Kantola, H Seeck
Management Learning 42 (1), 25-47, 2011
Exploring the Foucauldian interpretation of power and subject in organizations
A Välikangas, H Seeck
Journal of Management & Organization 17 (6), 812-827, 2011
The emancipated worker?: A Foucauldian study of power, subjectivity and organising in the information age
HMJ Huhtala
PhD thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science, Deparment of …, 2004
Media events, spectacles and risky globalization: a critical review and possible avenues for future research
H Seeck, T Rantanen
Media, Culture & Society 37 (2), 163-179, 2015
Organizational control: Restrictive or productive?
H Seeck, A Kantola
Journal of Management & Organization 15 (2), 241-257, 2009
Ideology in management studies
H Seeck, A Sturdy, AL Boncori, M Fougère
International Journal of Management Reviews 22 (1), 53-74, 2020
Kriisit ja työyhteisöt: Kriisijohtaminen työyhteisöjen tukena (Workplace crisis and management: the contribution of crisis management models)
H Seeck
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, 96 pages (Työterveyslaitos), 2009
Affect in governmentality: Top executives managing the affective milieu of market liberalisation
A Kantola, H Seeck, M Mannevuo
Organization 26 (6), 761-782, 2019
Kriisijohtaminen ja viestintä. Tapaus Nokian vesikriisi (Crisis management and communications: the case of Nokia city water crisis)
H Seeck, H Lavento, S Hakala
Suomen kuntaliitto Acta nro 206, 284 pages (the Association of Finnish Local …, 2008
Johtamisopit Suomessa: taylorismista innovaatioteorioihin. 3. painos
H Seeck
Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2012
Johtamisopit ja niiden leviäminen (Dissemination of management ideas and ideologies) in Jukka Kiuru (ed.) Johtamisen perusteet (The fundamentals of management), Helsinki …
H Seeck
Johdatus johtamiseen, 2009
Kirjallisuuskatsaus organisaatiokulttuuriteorioihin: mitä ne ovat ja miten niistä on keskusteltu kansainvälisissä ja suomalaisissa tieteellisissä journaaleissa? (Theories of …
H Huhtala, A Laakso
Hallinnon tutkimus (Administrative Studies, peer-reviewed Finnish journal …, 2007
From HRM to psychological contracting-the case of Finnish mobile content producing companies
H Seeck, MR Parzefall
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21 (15), 2677-2693, 2010
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Articles 1–20