Giuseppe F. Italiano
Giuseppe F. Italiano
Professor of Computer Science, LUISS University, Rome, Italy
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Cited by
On the optimal placement of web proxies in the internet
B Li, MJ Golin, GF Italiano, X Deng, K Sohraby
IEEE INFOCOM'99. Conference on Computer Communications. Proceedings …, 1999
Sparsification—a technique for speeding up dynamic graph algorithms
D Eppstein, Z Galil, GF Italiano, A Nissenzweig
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 44 (5), 669-696, 1997
A new approach to dynamic all pairs shortest paths
C Demetrescu, GF Italiano
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 51 (6), 968-992, 2004
Dynamic graphs
C Demetrescu, I Finocchi, GF Italiano
Handbook on Data Structures and Applications. Boca Raton, FL, USA: Chapman …, 2005
Data structures and algorithms for disjoint set union problems
Z Galil, GF Italiano
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 23 (3), 319-344, 1991
Incremental algorithms for minimal length paths
G Ausiello, GF Italiano, AM Spaccamela, U Nanni
Journal of Algorithms 12 (4), 615-638, 1991
Dynamic graph algorithms
D Eppstein, Z Galil, GF Italiano
Algorithms and theory of computation handbook 1, 9.1-9.28, 1999
Maintenance of a minimum spanning forest in a dynamic plane graph
D Eppstein, GF Italiano, R Tamassia, RE Tarjan, J Westbrook, M Yung
Journal of Algorithms 13 (1), 33-54, 1992
Sparse dynamic programming I: linear cost functions
D Eppstein, Z Galil, R Giancarlo, GF Italiano
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 39 (3), 519-545, 1992
Amortized efficiency of a path retrieval data structure
GF Italiano
Theoretical Computer Science 48, 273-281, 1986
Experimental analysis of dynamic all pairs shortest path algorithms
C Demetrescu, GF Italiano
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 2 (4), 578-601, 2006
New algorithms for examination timetabling
M Caramia, P Dell’Olmo, GF Italiano
International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering, 230-241, 2000
Fully dynamic transitive closure: breaking through the o (n/sup 2/) barrier
C Demetrescu, GF Italiano
Proceedings 41st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 381-389, 2000
Improved algorithms for min cut and max flow in undirected planar graphs
GF Italiano, Y Nussbaum, P Sankowski, C Wulff-Nilsen
Proceedings of the forty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2011
Finding paths and deleting edges in directed acyclic graphs
GF Italiano
Information Processing Letters 28 (1), 5-11, 1988
Deterministic fully dynamic data structures for vertex cover and matching
S Bhattacharya, M Henzinger, GF Italiano
SIAM Journal on Computing 47 (3), 859-887, 2018
Finding strong bridges and strong articulation points in linear time
GF Italiano, L Laura, F Santaroni
Theoretical Computer Science 447, 74-84, 2012
High capacity colored two dimensional codes
A Grillo, A Lentini, M Querini, GF Italiano
Proceedings of the international multiconference on computer science and …, 2010
Sparse dynamic programming II: convex and concave cost functions
D Eppstein, Z Galil, R Giancarlo, GF Italiano
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 39 (3), 546-567, 1992
Reducing edge connectivity to vertex connectivity
Z Galil, GF Italiano
ACM Sigact News 22 (1), 57-61, 1991
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Articles 1–20