Ieva Urbanaviciute
Ieva Urbanaviciute
Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University
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The role of prosocial and intrinsic motivation in employees’ citizenship behaviour
J Lazauskaite-Zabielske, I Urbanaviciute, D Bagdziuniene
Baltic Journal of Management 10 (3), 345-365, 2015
Career adaptability and employee well-being over a two-year period: Investigating cross-lagged effects and their boundary conditions
I Urbanaviciute, S Udayar, J Rossier
Journal of Vocational Behavior 111, 74-90, 2019
Perceived career barriers and vocational outcomes among university undergraduates: Exploring mediation and moderation effects
I Urbanaviciute, B Pociute, A Kairys, A Liniauskaite
Journal of Vocational Behavior 92, 12-21, 2016
Career adaptability in Lithuania: A test of psychometric properties and a theoretical model
I Urbanaviciute, A Kairys, B Pociute, A Liniauskaite
Journal of Vocational Behavior 85 (3), 433-442, 2014
Qualitative job insecurity and turnover intention: The mediating role of basic psychological needs in public and private sectors
I Urbanaviciute, J Lazauskaite-Zabielske, T Vander Elst, H De Witte
Career Development International 23 (3), 274-290, 2018
From psychosocial working environment to good performance: the role of work engagement
J Lazauskaite-Zabielske, I Urbanaviciute, R Rekasiute Balsiene
Baltic Journal of Management 13 (2), 236-249, 2018
The role of personality profiles in the longitudinal relationship between work–related well–being and life satisfaction among working adults in Switzerland
S Udayar, I Urbanaviciute, K Massoudi, J Rossier
European Journal of Personality 34 (1), 77-92, 2020
Lietuviškoji psichologinės gerovės skalė: struktūros paieškos studentų imtyje
A Bagdonas, A Liniauskaitė, I Urbanavičiūtė, S Girdzijauskienė, A Kairys
Psichologija. 45, 22-41, 2012
Perceived social support and Big Five personality traits in middle adulthood: A 4-year cross-lagged path analysis
S Udayar, I Urbanaviciute, J Rossier
Applied Research in Quality of Life 15, 395-414, 2020
Suaugusiųjų psichologinės gerovės sąsajos su socialiniais ir demografiniais kintamaisiais
A Liniauskaitė, A Kairys, I Urbanavičiūtė, A Bagdonas, V Pakalniškienė
Profesinio kelio rinkimosi vidiniai ir išoriniai veiksniai
I Urbanavičiūtė
Deconstructing job insecurity: Do its qualitative and quantitative dimensions add up?
I Urbanaviciute, J Lazauskaite-Zabielske, H De Witte
Occupational health science 5 (3), 415-435, 2021
Precariousness profile and career adaptability as determinants of job insecurity: A three-wave study
I Urbanaviciute, S Udayar, C Maggiori, J Rossier
Journal of Career Development 47 (2), 146-161, 2020
Perceived job insecurity and self-rated health: testing reciprocal relationships in a five-wave study
I Urbanaviciute, H De Witte, J Rossier
Social Science & Medicine 233, 201-207, 2019
Who benefits from time-spatial job crafting? The role of boundary characteristics in the relationship between time-spatial job crafting, engagement and performance
J Lazauskaite-Zabielske, A Ziedelis, I Urbanaviciute
Baltic Journal of Management 16 (1), 1-19, 2020
Pilietiškas darbuotojų elgesys organizacijoje: kai kurios lietuviškojo klausimyno psichometrinės charakteristikos
D Bagdžiūnienė, I Urbanavičiūtė, J Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė
Psichologija 47, 7-23, 2013
Proactive strategies for countering the detrimental outcomes of qualitative job insecurity in academia
I Urbanaviciute, L Christina Roll, J Tomas, H De Witte
Stress and Health 37 (3), 557-571, 2021
Pressed to overwork to exhaustion? The role of psychological detachment and exhaustion in the context of teleworking
J Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, I Urbanavičiūtė, A Žiedelis
Economic and Industrial Democracy 44 (3), 875-892, 2023
The role of individual characteristics and working conditions in understanding boredom at work
C Toscanelli, S Udayar, I Urbanaviciute, K Massoudi
Personnel Review 51 (2), 480-500, 2022
The role of career factors in qualitative and quantitative job insecurity: A study in different organizational contexts
I Urbanavičiūtė, D Bagdžiūnienė, J Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, T Vander Elst, ...
International Journal of Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach 16, 23-45, 2015
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Articles 1–20