Aleksi Sihvonen
Aleksi Sihvonen
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Music-based interventions in neurological rehabilitation
AJ Sihvonen, T Särkämö, V Leo, M Tervaniemi, E Altenmüller, S Soinila
The Lancet Neurology 16 (8), 648-660, 2017
Neural basis of acquired amusia and its recovery after stroke
AJ Sihvonen, P Ripollés, V Leo, A Rodríguez-Fornells, S Soinila, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (34), 8872-8881, 2016
Vocal music enhances memory and language recovery after stroke: pooled results from two RCTs
AJ Sihvonen, V Leo, P Ripollés, T Lehtovaara, A Ylönen, P Rajanaro, ...
Annals of clinical and translational neurology 7 (11), 2272-2287, 2020
Golden oldies and silver brains: Deficits, preservation, learning, and rehabilitation effects of music in ageing-related neurological disorders
T Särkämö, AJ Sihvonen
Cortex 109, 104-123, 2018
Structural white matter connectometry of reading and dyslexia
AJ Sihvonen, P Virtala, A Thiede, M Laasonen, T Kujala
NeuroImage 241, 118411, 2021
Neural architectures of music–Insights from acquired amusia
AJ Sihvonen, T Särkämö, A Rodríguez-Fornells, P Ripollés, TF Münte, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 107, 104-114, 2019
Tracting the neural basis of music: deficient structural connectivity underlying acquired amusia
AJ Sihvonen, P Ripollés, T Särkämö, V Leo, A Rodriguez-Fornells, ...
Cortex 97, 255-273, 2017
Functional neural changes associated with acquired amusia across different stages of recovery after stroke
AJ Sihvonen, T Särkämö, P Ripollés, V Leo, J Saunavaara, R Parkkola, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 11390, 2017
Revisiting the neural basis of acquired amusia: lesion patterns and structural changes underlying amusia recovery
AJ Sihvonen, P Ripollés, A Rodríguez-Fornells, S Soinila, T Särkämö
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 426, 2017
Musiikin vaikuttavuus aivojen kuntoutuksessa
AJ Sihvonen, V Leo, T Särkämö, S Soinila
Duodecim 130 (18), 1852-1860, 2014
Vocal music listening enhances poststroke language network reorganization
AJ Sihvonen, P Ripollés, V Leo, J Saunavaara, R Parkkola, ...
Eneuro 8 (4), 2021
Isn't there room for music in chronic pain management?
AJ Sihvonen, A Pitkäniemi, T Särkämö, S Soinila
The Journal of Pain 23 (7), 1143-1150, 2022
Sung melody enhances verbal learning and recall after stroke
V Leo, AJ Sihvonen, T Linnavalli, M Tervaniemi, M Laine, S Soinila, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1423 (1), 296-307, 2018
Neurological music therapy rebuilds structural connectome after traumatic brain injury: secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial
AJ Sihvonen, ST Siponkoski, N Martínez-Molina, S Laitinen, M Holma, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 11 (8), 2184, 2022
Right ventral stream damage underlies both poststroke aprosodia and amusia
AJ Sihvonen, D Sammler, P Ripollés, V Leo, A Rodríguez‐Fornells, ...
European Journal of Neurology 29 (3), 873-882, 2022
Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying the mnemonic effect of songs after stroke
V Leo, AJ Sihvonen, T Linnavalli, M Tervaniemi, M Laine, S Soinila, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 24, 101948, 2019
Voxel and surface based whole brain analysis shows reading skill associated grey matter abnormalities in dyslexia
T Kujala, AJ Sihvonen, A Thiede, P Palo-Oja, P Virtala, J Numminen, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 10862, 2021
Resting‐state language network neuroplasticity in post‐stroke music listening: A randomized controlled trial
AJ Sihvonen, A Pitkäniemi, V Leo, S Soinila, T Särkämö
European Journal of Neuroscience 54 (11), 7886-7898, 2021
Beyond volume: A surface-based approach to bilingualism-induced grey matter changes
S Hämäläinen, J Joutsa, AJ Sihvonen, A Leminen, M Lehtonen
Neuropsychologia 117, 1-7, 2018
Efficacy of a multicomponent singing intervention on communication and psychosocial functioning in chronic aphasia: a randomized controlled crossover trial
ST Siponkoski, A Pitkäniemi, S Laitinen, ER Särkämö, E Pentikäinen, ...
Brain communications 5 (1), fcac337, 2023
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