Martin Pilát
Martin Pilát
Associate Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
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Cited by
Meta learning in multi-agent systems for data mining
O Kazík, K Peskova, M Pilát, R Neruda
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2011 IEEE/WIC …, 2011
Aggregate meta-models for evolutionary multiobjective and many-objective optimization
M Pilát, R Neruda
Neurocomputing 116, 392-402, 2013
ASM-MOMA: Multiobjective memetic algorithm with aggregate surrogate model
M Pilát, R Neruda
Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2011 IEEE Congress on, 1202-1208, 2011
Incorporating user preferences in MOEA/D through the coevolution of weights
M Pilát, R Neruda
Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2015
An evolutionary strategy for surrogate-based multiobjective optimization
M Pilát, R Neruda
Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2012 IEEE Congress on, 1-7, 2012
Feature extraction for surrogate models in genetic programming
M Pilát, R Neruda
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature–PPSN XIV: 14th International Conference …, 2016
Hypervolume-based local search in multi-objective evolutionary optimization
M Pilát, R Neruda
Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2014
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: A Short Survey of the State-of-the-art
M Pilát
WDS 2010-Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Proceedings of the 19th Annual …, 2010
Combining multiobjective and single-objective genetic algorithms in heterogeneous island model
M Pilát, R Neruda
Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2010 IEEE Congress on, 1-8, 2010
Controlling the Charging of Electric Vehicles with Neural Networks
M Pilát
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
Automatic Creation of Machine Learning Workflows with Strongly Typed Genetic Programming
T Křen, M Pilát, R Neruda
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 26 (05), 1760020, 2017
Asynchronous evolution of data mining workflow schemes by strongly typed genetic programming
M Pilát, T Křen, R Neruda
2016 IEEE 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2016
Meta-learning and Model Selection in Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms
M Pilát, R Neruda
Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2012 11th International …, 2012
Implementation of parameter space search for meta learning in a data-mining multi-agent system
O Kazík, K Peskova, M Pilát, R Neruda
Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops (ICMLA), 2011 10th …, 2011
Parallel evolutionary algorithm with interleaving generations
M Pilát, R Neruda
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 865-872, 2017
Improving many-objective optimizers with aggregate meta-models
M Pilát, R Neruda
2011 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 555-560, 2011
Planning and Acting with Non-deterministic Events: Navigating between Safe States
L Chrpa, J Gemrot, M Pilát
The effect of different local search algorithms on the performance of multi-objective optimizers
M Pilát, R Neruda
2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2172-2179, 2014
Surrogate Model Selection for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
M Pilát, R Neruda
Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2013 IEEE Congress on, 1860-1867, 2013
A Surrogate Based Multiobjective Evolution Strategy with Different Models for Local Search and Pre-selection
M Pilát, R Neruda
Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2012 IEEE 24th International …, 2012
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Articles 1–20