Hannu Ojala
Hannu Ojala
Professor of Accounting, University of Eastern Finland, Aalto University
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Cited by
Drivers of voluntary audit in Finland: to be or not to be audited?
L Niemi, J Kinnunen, H Ojala, P Troberg
Accounting and business research 42 (2), 169-196, 2012
The demand for voluntary audit in micro‐companies: Evidence from Finland
H Ojala, J Collis, J Kinnunen, L Niemi, P Troberg
International Journal of Auditing 20 (3), 267-277, 2016
Audit quality and decision-making in small companies
H Ojala, M Niskanen, J Collis, K Pajunen
Managerial Auditing Journal 29 (9), 800-817, 2014
External factors and the pricing of audit services: A systematic review of the archival literature using a PESTLE analysis
B Eierle, S Hartlieb, DC Hay, L Niemi, H Ojala
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 41 (3), 95-119, 2022
XBRL to enhance external financial reporting: Should we implement or not? Case Company X
B Eierle, H Ojala, E Penttinen
Journal of Accounting Education 32 (2), 160-170, 2014
Determinants of the voluntary adoption of digital reporting by small private companies to Companies House: Evidence from the UK
E Alkhatib, H Ojala, J Collis
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 34, 100421, 2019
Importance of country factors for global differences in audit pricing: New empirical evidence
B Eierle, S Hartlieb, DC Hay, L Niemi, H Ojala
International Journal of Auditing 25 (2), 303-331, 2021
Responsiveness of auditors to the audit risk standards: Unique evidence from Big 4 audit firms
L Niemi, WR Knechel, H Ojala, J Collis
Accounting in Europe 15 (1), 33-54, 2018
What drives voluntary audit adoption in small German companies?
A Weik, B Eierle, H Ojala
International Journal of Auditing 22 (3), 503-521, 2018
SMEs, financial reporting and trade credit: An international study
J Collis, R Jarvis, M Page, H Ojala, A Holt, O Fatoki, S Ploybut
ACCA Research Report, 2013
Gender differences in the first course in accounting: An achievement goal approach
J Huikku, ER Myllymäki, H Ojala
The British Accounting Review 54 (3), 101081, 2022
Essays on the value relevance of goodwill accounting
H Ojala
Helsinki School of Economics, 2007
Design principles for standard business reporting (sbr) taxonomy development: evidence from Finland
H Ojala, E Penttinen, J Collis, TH Virtanen
Nordic journal of business 67 (1), 4-26, 2018
The value relevance of accounting goodwill-does the abandonment of systematic amortization make sense to investors?
H Ojala
2nd workshop on visualizing, measuring and managing intangibles and …, 2006
Private Firms’ Tax Aggressiveness and Lightweight Pre-Tax-Audit Interventions by the Tax Administration
H Ojala, P Malo, E Penttinen
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Forthcoming …, 2023
Kuntien tilintarkastuksen laatu ja toimivuus
L Oulasvirta, A Uoti, H Ojala, J Saastamoinen, J Pesu, J Kettunen, ...
Nykytila ja kehittämistarpeet. Valtioneuvoston selvitys-ja tutkimustoiminnan …, 2021
What Turns the Taxman on? Tax Aggressiveness, Financial Statement Audits, and Tax Return Adjustments in Small Private Companies
H Ojala, J Kinnunen, L Niemi, P Troberg, J Collis
The International Journal of Accounting 55 (03), 2050011, 2020
What turns the taxman on? The effect of tax aggressiveness and voluntary audit on adjustments to the tax returns of private companies
H Ojala, J Kinnunen, L Niemi, P Troberg, J Collis
The Effect of Tax Aggressiveness and Voluntary Audit on Adjustments to the …, 2015
Analyst characteristics and the level of critical perception of goodwill accounting
J Saastamoinen, H Ojala, K Pajunen, P Troberg
Australian Accounting Review 28 (4), 538-555, 2018
The role of auditors and banks in the tax aggressiveness of private firms
H Mättö, M., Niskanen, M. & Ojala
International Journal of Auditing, Forthcoming, 2023
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Articles 1–20