Sandi Berk
Sandi Berk
Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Accurate Area Determination in the Cadaster: Case Study of Slovenia
S Berk, M Ferlan
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 45 (1), 1–17, 2018
Local to ETRS89 Datum Transformation for Slovenia: Triangle-Based Transformation Using Virtual Tie Points
S Berk, Ž Komadina
Survey Review 45 (328), 25–34, 2013
Transformacija podatkov Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije v novi državni koordinatni sistem | Transformation of Data of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic …
S Berk, M Duhovnik
Geodetski vestnik 51 (4), 803–826, 2007
Towards a Monitoring Information System for Territorial Attractiveness and Policy Management in South East Europe | Vzpostavitev informacijskega sistema za spremljanje …
L Živković, S Marani, S Berk, VD Kete, F Trapani, G Esposito, N Špeh, ...
Geodetski vestnik 59 (4), 752–766, 2015
Vloga kakovostnega višinskega sistema in geoida za izvedbo GNSS-višinomerstva | The Quality Role of Height System and Geoid Model in the Realization of GNSS Heighting
M Kuhar, S Berk, B Koler, K Medved, O Omang, D Solheim
Geodetski vestnik 55 (2), 226–234, 2011
Izzivi in dejavnosti v zvezi z državnim horizontalnim koordinatnim sistemom Slovenije | Challenges and Activities on the National Horizontal Coordinate System of Slovenia
K Medved, S Berk, O Sterle, B Stopar
Geodetski vestnik 62 (4), 567–586, 2018
The Central European GNSS Research Network (CEGRN) Dataset
J Zurutuza, A Caporali, M Bertocco, M Ishchenko, O Khoda, H Steffen, ...
Data in Brief 27, 104762, 2019
Trikotniško zasnovana transformacija med starim in novim državnim koordinatnim sistemom Slovenije | Triangle-Based Transformation between the Old and New National Coordinate …
S Berk, Ž Komadina
Geografski informacijski sistemi v Sloveniji 2009–2010, Ljubljana, 2010 (GIS …, 2010
Aerofotografiranje in aerolasersko skeniranje Slovenije | Aerial Photography and Aerial Laser Scanning of Slovenia
V Bric, S Berk, K Oven, M Triglav Čekada
Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2014, Ljubljana, 2015 20, 57–71, 2015
Aktivnosti pri vzpostavitvi sodobnega geodetskega referenčnega sistema v Sloveniji | Recent Activities towards a Modern Geodetic Reference System in Slovenia
B Stopar, J Režek, Ž Komadina, K Medved, S Berk, K Bajec, K Oven, ...
Geodetska (r)evolucija, 43. Geodetski dan, Sežana, 2015, 37–56, 2015
Stari in novi državni koordinatni sistem v Republiki Sloveniji ter koordinatni sistem zveze Nato | The Old and New Coordinate Systems in the Republic of Slovenia and the NATO …
P Kete, S Berk
Geoprostorska podpora obrambnemu sistemu Republike Slovenije, 259–279, 2012
Analiza skladnosti D48/GK- in D96/TM-koordinat zemljiškokatastrskih točk v Pomurju | Consistency Analysis of D48/GK and D96/TM Coordinates of Cadastral Boundary Points in the …
S Berk, Ž Komadina, J Triglav
Geodetski vestnik 55 (2), 269–283, 2011
The Recomputation of the EUREF GPS Campaigns in Slovenia
S Berk, Ž Komadina, M Marjanović, D Radovan, B Stopar
Symposium of the IAG Reference Frame Subcommission for Europe – EUREF …, 2004
Kombinirani izračun EUREF GPS-kampanj na območju Slovenije
S Berk, Ž Komadina, M Marjanović, D Radovan, B Stopar
Geodetski vestnik 47 (4), 414–422, 2003
ETRS89/D96-17 – rezultat GNSS-izmere EUREF Slovenija 2016 | ETRS89/D96-17 – a Result of the EUREF Slovenia 2016 GNSS Campaign
S Berk, O Sterle, K Medved, B Stopar
Geodetski vestnik 64 (1), 43–67, 2020
Slovenski referenčni koordinatni sistemi v okolju GIS | Slovenian Coordinate Reference Systems in GIS Environment
S Berk, D Boldin
Geodetski vestnik 61 (1), 91–101, 2017
Implementacija kombinirane geodetske mreže in višinske komponente ESRS v državni geodetski referenčni sistem. Končno poročilo
B Stopar, B Koler, D Kogoj, T Ambrožič, P Pavlovčič Prešeren, M Kuhar, ...
Geodetski inštitut Slovenije 1, 216, 2016
National Report of Slovenia
B Stopar, B Koler, M Kuhar, B Mozetič, K Medved, S Berk, D Radovan
Symposium of the IAG Reference Frame Subcommission for Europe – EUREF …, 2009
Planning and Realization of the Slovenian Permanent GPS Network
S Berk, K Kozmus, D Radovan, B Stopar
Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten – AVN 113 (11–12), 383–387, 2006
Zagotavljanje kakovosti georeferenciranja podatkov aerolaserskega skeniranja za upravljanje voda | Quality Assurance of Georeferencing Airborne Laser Scanning Data for Water …
V Bric, S Berk, M Triglav Čekada
Geodetski vestnik 57 (2), 271–285, 2013
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