R. P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose
R. P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
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Process mining manifesto
W Van Der Aalst, A Adriansyah, AKA De Medeiros, F Arcieri, T Baier, ...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2011 International Workshops …, 2012
Context aware trace clustering: Towards improving process mining results
RPJC Bose, WMP Van der Aalst
proceedings of the 2009 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 401-412, 2009
Handling concept drift in process mining
RPJC Bose, WMP van der Aalst, I Žliobaitė, M Pechenizkiy
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 23rd International Conference …, 2011
Wanna improve process mining results?
RPJC Bose, RS Mans, WMP Van Der Aalst
2013 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence and data mining (CIDM …, 2013
Abstractions in process mining: A taxonomy of patterns
RP Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, WMP Van der Aalst
International conference on business process management, 159-175, 2009
Dealing with concept drifts in process mining
RPJC Bose, WMP Van Der Aalst, I Žliobaitė, M Pechenizkiy
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 25 (1), 154-171, 2013
Identifying implementation bugs in machine learning based image classifiers using metamorphic testing
A Dwarakanath, M Ahuja, S Sikand, RM Rao, RPJC Bose, N Dubash, ...
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on software …, 2018
Efficient discovery of understandable declarative process models from event logs
FM Maggi, RPJC Bose, WMP van der Aalst
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 24th International Conference …, 2012
Trace clustering based on conserved patterns: Towards achieving better process models
RPJC Bose, WMP van der Aalst
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2009 International Workshops, Ulm …, 2010
Trace alignment in process mining: opportunities for process diagnostics
RP Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, W van der Aalst
International Conference on Business Process Management, 227-242, 2010
Process diagnostics using trace alignment: opportunities, issues, and challenges
RPJC Bose, WMP van der Aalst
Information Systems 37 (2), 117-141, 2012
Discovering hierarchical process models using ProM
RPJC Bose, EHMW Verbeek, WMP van der Aalst
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 33-48, 2011
Process Mining in the Large: Preprocessing, Discovery, and Diagnostics
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2012
Change point detection and dealing with gradual and multi-order dynamics in process mining
J Martjushev, RPJC Bose, WMP Van Der Aalst
Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 14th International Conference …, 2015
Mining Context-Dependent and Interactive Business Process Maps using Execution Patterns. In zur Muehlen, M., Su, J., eds.: BPM 2010 Workshops. Volume 66 of LNBIP
J Li, R Bose, WMP van der Aalst
Springer-Verlag, 2011
A knowledge-based integrated approach for discovering and repairing declare maps
FM Maggi, RPJC Bose, WMP van der Aalst
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 25th International Conference …, 2013
Cyclic implant perfusion, cleaning and passivation process and implant produced thereby
C Mills, J Wironen, S Hanstke
US Patent App. 10/192,180, 2003
Discovering signature patterns from event logs
RPJC Bose, WMP van der Aalst
2013 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence and data mining (CIDM …, 2013
Enhancing declare maps based on event correlations
RPJC Bose, FM Maggi, WMP van der Aalst
Business Process Management: 11th International Conference, BPM 2013 …, 2013
Analysis of Patient Treatment Procedures.
RPJC Bose, WMP van der Aalst
Business Process Management Workshops (1) 99, 165-166, 2011
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Articles 1–20