Stephen Selkowitz
Stephen Selkowitz
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Cited by
Window system for high-performance buildings
J Carmody, S Selkowitz, E Lee, D Arasteh, T Willmert
W. W. Norton & Company, 2004
Thermal and daylighting performance of an automated venetian blind and lighting system in a full-scale private office
ES Lee, DL DiBartolomeo, SE Selkowitz
Energy and buildings 29 (1), 47-63, 1998
Numerical investigation of the energy saving potential of a semi-transparent photovoltaic double-skin facade in a cool-summer Mediterranean climate
J Peng, DC Curcija, L Lu, SE Selkowitz, H Yang, W Zhang
Applied Energy 165, 345-356, 2016
Residential Windows 3e: A Guide To New Technologies And Energy Performance
J Carmody
WW Norton & Company, 2007
Daylight buildings. A source book on daylighting systems and components
N Ruck, Ø Aschehoug, S Aydinli
Office worker response to an automated venetian blind and electric lighting system: a pilot study
E Vine, E Lee, R Clear, D DiBartolomeo, S Selkowitz
Energy and buildings 28 (2), 205-218, 1998
Daylighting simulation in the DOE-2 building energy analysis program
FC Winkelmann, S Selkowitz
Energy and Buildings 8 (4), 271-286, 1985
The New York Times Headquarters daylighting mockup: Monitored performance of the daylighting control system
ES Lee, SE Selkowitz
Energy and buildings 38 (7), 914-929, 2006
United States energy and CO2 savings potential from deployment of near-infrared electrochromic window glazings
N DeForest, A Shehabi, J O'Donnell, G Garcia, J Greenblatt, ES Lee, ...
Building and Environment 89, 107-117, 2015
A comparative energy analysis of three electrochromic glazing technologies in commercial and residential buildings
N DeForest, A Shehabi, S Selkowitz, DJ Milliron
Applied energy 192, 95-109, 2017
Daylighting control performance of a thin-film ceramic electrochromic window: Field study results
ES Lee, DL DiBartolomeo, SE Selkowitz
Energy and Buildings 38 (1), 30-44, 2006
Resilient cooling strategies–A critical review and qualitative assessment
C Zhang, OB Kazanci, R Levinson, P Heiselberg, BW Olesen, G Chiesa, ...
Energy and Buildings 251, 111312, 2021
High-performance commercial building façades
E Lee, S Selkowitz, V Bazjanac, V Inkarojrit, C Kohler
Advanced optical daylighting systems: light shelves and light pipes
LO Beltran, ES Lee, SE Selkowitz
Journal of the illuminating engineering society 26 (2), 91-106, 1997
Glazing energy performance and design optimization with daylighting
R Johnson, R Sullivan, S Selkowitz, S Nozaki, C Conner, D Arasteh
Energy and Buildings 6 (4), 305-317, 1984
Study on the overall energy performance of a novel c-Si based semitransparent solar photovoltaic window
J Peng, DC Curcija, A Thanachareonkit, ES Lee, H Goudey, SE Selkowitz
Applied energy 242, 854-872, 2019
The design and evaluation of integrated envelope and lighting control strategies for commercial buildings
ES Lee, SE Selkowitz
Tips for daylighting with windows: the integrated approach
J O’Connor, E Lee, F Rubinstein, S Selkowitz
LBNL Publication 790, 1997
Gas filled panel insulation
BT Griffith, DK Arasteh, SE Selkowitz
US Patent 5,270,092, 1993
Regional performance targets for transparent near-infrared switching electrochromic window glazings
N DeForest, A Shehabi, G Garcia, J Greenblatt, E Masanet, ES Lee, ...
Building and Environment 61, 160-168, 2013
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