Martin Tomitsch
Martin Tomitsch
Professor and Head of the Transdisciplinary School (TD School) at University of Technology Sydney
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Evaluating the effect of style in information visualization
AV Moere, M Tomitsch, C Wimmer, B Christoph, T Grechenig
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (12), 2739-2748, 2012
Reveal-it! the impact of a social visualization projection on public awareness and discourse
N Valkanova, S Jorda, M Tomitsch, A Vande Moere
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013
UbiqLog: a generic mobile phone-based life-log framework
R Rawassizadeh, M Tomitsch, K Wac, AM Tjoa
Personal and ubiquitous computing 17, 621-637, 2013
Design thinking education: A comparison of massive open online courses
C Wrigley, G Mosely, M Tomitsch
She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation 4 (3), 275-292, 2018
Vote as you go: blending interfaces for community engagement into the urban space
L Hespanhol, M Tomitsch, I McArthur, J Fredericks, R Schroeter, M Foth
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communities and …, 2015
Middle-out design: collaborative community engagement in urban HCI
J Fredericks, GA Caldwell, M Tomitsch
Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2016
Designing for projection-based communication between autonomous vehicles and pedestrians
TT Nguyen, K Holländer, M Hoggenmueller, C Parker, M Tomitsch
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on automotive user …, 2019
From users to citizens: Some thoughts on designing for polity and civics
M Foth, M Tomitsch, C Satchell, MH Haeusler
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Australian special interest group …, 2015
Who cares about the content? An analysis of playful behaviour at a public display
M Tomitsch, C Ackad, O Dawson, L Hespanhol, J Kay
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 160-165, 2014
Towards a Taxonomy for Ambient Information Systems.
M Tomitsch, K Kappel, A Lehner, T Grechenig
Ambient information systems 44, 2007
Comparative feedback in the street: exposing residential energy consumption on house façades
AV Moere, M Tomitsch, M Hoinkis, E Trefz, S Johansen, A Jones
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Investigating intuitiveness and effectiveness of gestures for free spatial interaction with large displays
L Hespanhol, M Tomitsch, K Grace, A Collins, J Kay
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 1-6, 2012
Strategies for intuitive interaction in public urban spaces
L Hespanhol, M Tomitsch
Interacting with Computers 27 (3), 311-326, 2015
Blending pop-up urbanism and participatory technologies: Challenges and opportunities for inclusive city making
J Fredericks, L Hespanhol, C Parker, D Zhou, M Tomitsch
City, culture and society 12, 44-53, 2018
An in-the-wild study of learning mid-air gestures to browse hierarchical information at a large interactive public display
C Ackad, A Clayphan, M Tomitsch, J Kay
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2015
From human-centred to life-centred design: Considering environmental and ethical concerns in the design of interactive products
M Borthwick, M Tomitsch, M Gaughwin
Journal of Responsible Technology 10, 100032, 2022
A review of virtual reality studies on autonomous vehicle–pedestrian interaction
TTM Tran, C Parker, M Tomitsch
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 51 (6), 641-652, 2021
Non-human personas: Including nature in the participatory design of smart cities
M Tomitsch, J Fredericks, D Vo, J Frawley, M Foth
Interaction Design and Architecture (s) 50 (50), 102-130, 2021
Energy-efficient integration of continuous context sensing and prediction into smartwatches
R Rawassizadeh, M Tomitsch, M Nourizadeh, E Momeni, A Peery, ...
Sensors 15 (9), 22616-22645, 2015
The city as perpetual beta: Fostering systemic urban acupuncture
J Fredericks, GA Caldwell, M Foth, M Tomitsch
The hackable city: Digital media and collaborative city-making in the …, 2019
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Articles 1–20