Ugljesa Milic
Ugljesa Milic
Microsoft Azure
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Cited by
MCM-GPU: Multi-chip-module GPUs for continued performance scalability
A Arunkumar, E Bolotin, B Cho, U Milic, E Ebrahimi, O Villa, A Jaleel, ...
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 45 (2), 320-332, 2017
Beyond the socket: NUMA-aware GPUs
U Milic, O Villa, E Bolotin, A Arunkumar, E Ebrahimi, A Jaleel, A Ramirez, ...
Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on …, 2017
POLARIS: the distributed SQL engine in azure synapse
J Aguilar-Saborit, R Ramakrishnan, K Srinivasan, K Bocksrocker, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 3204-3216, 2020
Parallelizing general histogram application for cuda architectures
U Milic, I Gelado, N Puzovic, A Ramirez, M Tomasevic
2013 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures …, 2013
Sharing the instruction cache among lean cores on an asymmetric CMP for HPC applications
U Milic, A Rico, P Carpenter, A Ramirez
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and …, 2017
Rebalancing the core front-end through HPC code analysis
U Milic, P Carpenter, A Rico, A Ramirez
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 1-10, 2016
GPU-and FFT-Architectures
A Maghazeh, UD Bordoloi, P Eles, Z Peng, U Milic, I Gelado, N Puzovic, ...
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