Nina Jensen
Nina Jensen
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Loss of Function of Slc20a2 Associated with Familial Idiopathic Basal Ganglia Calcification in Humans Causes Brain Calcifications in Mice
N Jensen, HD Schrøder, EK Hejbøl, EM Füchtbauer, JRM de Oliveira, ...
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 51, 994-999, 2013
Endothelial β-catenin signaling supports postnatal brain and retinal angiogenesis by promoting sprouting, tip cell formation, and VEGFR (vascular endothelial growth factor …
A Martowicz, M Trusohamn, N Jensen, J Wisniewska-Kruk, M Corada, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 39 (11), 2273-2288, 2019
Slc20a2 is critical for maintaining a physiologic inorganic phosphate level in cerebrospinal fluid
N Jensen, JK Autzen, L Pedersen
Neurogenetics, 2015
First Report of a De Novo Mutation at SLC20A2 in a Patient with Brain Calcification
JB Ferreira, L Pimentel, MP Keasey, RR Lemos, LM Santos, MF Oliveira, ...
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 54, 748-751, 2014
Regulation of cell proliferation and cell density by the inorganic phosphate transporter PiT1
K Byskov, N Jensen, IB Kongsfelt, M Wielsøe, LE Pedersen, C Haldrup, ...
Cell division 7, 1-16, 2012
Mice knocked out for the primary brain calcification–associated gene Slc20a2 show unimpaired prenatal survival but retarded growth and nodules in the brain that grow and …
N Jensen, HD Schrøder, EK Hejbøl, JS Thomsen, A Brüel, FT Larsen, ...
The American Journal of Pathology 188 (8), 1865-1881, 2018
Primary brain calcification causal PiT2 transport-knockout variants can exert dominant negative effects on wild-type PiT2 transport function in mammalian cells
FT Larsen, N Jensen, JK Autzen, IB Kongsfelt, L Pedersen
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 61, 215-220, 2017
VEGF-B ablation in pancreatic β-cells upregulates insulin expression without affecting glucose homeostasis or islet lipid uptake
FC Ning, N Jensen, J Mi, W Lindström, M Balan, L Muhl, U Eriksson, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 923, 2020
Basal ganglia vulnerability to oxidative stress
N Jensen, JRM Oliveira
Frontiers in Neuroscience 8, 80, 2014
The Slc20a2-knockout Mouse: A New Tool for Investigation of Primary Familial Brain Calcification: PhD Dissertation
N Jensen
Health, Aarhus University, 2016
A mouse model for cerebrovascular calcification
N Jensen, HD Schrøder, EK Hejbøl, JS Thomsen, A Brüel, F Larsen, ...
An impaired phosphate transporter causes vascular calcification in the brain
N Jensen, HD Schrøder, EK Hejbøl, JS Thomsen, A Brüel, FT Larsen, ...
A mouse model for primary familial brain calcification
N Jensen, HD Schrøder, EK Hejbøl, JS Thomsen, A Brüel, FT Larsen, ...
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Articles 1–13