Tuomo Häikiö
Tuomo Häikiö
Department of Psychology, University of Turku
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Development of the letter identity span in reading: Evidence from the eye movement moving window paradigm
T Häikiö, R Bertram, J Hyönä, P Niemi
Journal of experimental child psychology 102 (2), 167-181, 2009
Morphological family size in a morphologically rich language: the case of Finnish compared with Dutch and Hebrew.
F Moscoso del Prado Martín, R Bertram, T Häikiö, R Schreuder, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 (6), 1271, 2004
Reading disappearing text: Why do children refixate words?
HI Blythe, T Häikiö, R Bertam, SP Liversedge, J Hyönä
Vision research 51 (1), 84-92, 2011
Development of parafoveal processing within and across words in reading: Evidence from the boundary paradigm
T Häikiö, R Bertram, J Hyönä
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (10), 1982-1998, 2010
Is emotional content obtained from parafoveal words during reading? An eye movement analysis
J Hyönä, T Häikiö
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 46 (6), 475-483, 2005
The development of whole-word representations in compound word processing: Evidence from eye fixation patterns of elementary school children
T Häikiö, R Bertram, J Hyönä
Applied Psycholinguistics 32 (3), 533-551, 2011
The role of syllables in word recognition among beginning Finnish readers: Evidence from eye movements during reading
T Häikiö, J Hyönä, R Bertram
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 27 (5), 562-577, 2015
Maternal pre-and postnatal anxiety symptoms and infant attention disengagement from emotional faces
EL Kataja, L Karlsson, CE Parsons, J Pelto, H Pesonen, T Häikiö, J Hyönä, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 243, 280-289, 2019
The stability of early developing attentional bias for faces and fear from 8 to 30 and 60 months in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study.
EL Kataja, E Eskola, J Pelto, R Korja, SP Paija, S Nolvi, T Häikiö, ...
Developmental Psychology 58 (12), 2264, 2022
Maternal depressive symptoms during the pre‐and postnatal periods and infant attention to emotional faces
EL Kataja, L Karlsson, JM Leppänen, J Pelto, T Häikiö, S Nolvi, ...
Child development 91 (2), e475-e480, 2020
The hyphen as a syllabification cue in reading bisyllabic and multisyllabic words among Finnish 1st and 2nd graders
T Häikiö, R Bertram, J Hyönä
Reading and Writing 29, 159-182, 2016
Eye movements of children and adults reading in three different orthographies.
S Schroeder, T Häikiö, A Pagán, JH Dickins, J Hyönä, SP Liversedge
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (10 …, 2022
Infant fecal microbiota composition and attention to emotional faces.
AK Aatsinki, EL Kataja, E Munukka, L Lahti, A Keskitalo, R Korja, S Nolvi, ...
Emotion 22 (6), 1159, 2022
Newborn left amygdala volume associates with attention disengagement from fearful faces at eight months
JJ Tuulari, EL Kataja, JM Leppänen, JD Lewis, S Nolvi, T Häikiö, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 45, 100839, 2020
Individual differences in pupil dilation to others’ emotional and neutral eyes with varying pupil sizes
C Fawcett, E Nordenswan, S Yrttiaho, T Häikiö, R Korja, L Karlsson, ...
Cognition and Emotion 36 (5), 928-942, 2022
Eye movements during dynamic scene viewing are affected by visual attention skills and events of the scene: evidence from first-person shooter gameplay videos
SK Holm, T Häikiö, K Olli, JK Kaakinen
Journal of Eye Movement Research 14 (2), 2021
Children's processing of written irony: An eye-tracking study
H Olkoniemi, S Halonen, PM Pexman, T Häikiö
Cognition 238, 105508, 2023
The role of TPH2 variant rs4570625 in shaping infant attention to social signals
EL Kataja, JM Leppänen, K Kantojaervi, J Pelto, T Häikiö, R Korja, S Nolvi, ...
Infant Behavior and Development 60, 101471, 2020
Syllables and inflectional morphemes in early Finnish readers: Evidence from eye-movements
T Häikiö, S Vainio
Journal of child language 45 (5), 1227-1245, 2018
The effect of syllable-level hyphenation on reading comprehension: Evidence from eye movements.
T Häikiö, TT Heikkilä, JK Kaakinen
Journal of Educational Psychology 110 (8), 1149, 2018
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Articles 1–20