Maike Krannich
Maike Krannich
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Test anxiety and physiological arousal: a systematic review and meta-analysis
AL Roos, T Goetz, M Voracek, M Krannich, M Bieg, A Jarrell, R Pekrun
Educational Psychology Review 33 (2), 579-618, 2021
Being over-or underchallenged in class: Effects on students' career aspirations via academic self-concept and boredom
M Krannich, T Goetz, AA Lipnevich, M Bieg, AL Roos, ES Becker, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 69, 206-218, 2019
Should I grade or should I comment: Links among feedback, emotions, and performance
AA Lipnevich, D Murano, M Krannich, T Goetz
Learning and Individual Differences 89, 102020, 2021
T Goetz, NC Hall, M Krannich
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Performance Feedback and Emotions
T Goetz, AA Lipnevich, M Krannich, K Gogol
Control, anxiety and test performance: Self‐reported and physiological indicators of anxiety as mediators
AL Roos, T Goetz, M Krannich, M Donker, M Bieleke, A Caltabiano, ...
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022
NEPS Technical Report for Reading-Scaling Results of Starting Cohort 3 for Grade 7 (NEPS SURVEY PAPERS No. 14)
M Krannich, O Jost, T Rohm, I Koller, CH Carstensen, L Fischer, ...
Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National …, 2017
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Entwicklungen und Implikationen
M Schmid, M Krannich, D Petko
journal für lehrerInnenbildung jlb 20 (1), 116-124, 2020
Test anxiety components: an intra-individual approach testing their control antecedents and effects on performance
AL Roos, T Goetz, M Krannich, A Jarrell, M Donker, T Mainhard
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 34 (3), 279-298, 2021
Predictive validity of state versus trait challenge and boredom for career aspirations
M Krannich, T Goetz, AL Roos, K Murayama, MM Keller, M Bieg, ...
Learning and Instruction, 101596, 2022
Test Boredom: Exploring a Neglected Emotion
T Goetz, M Bieleke, T Yanagida, M Krannich, AL Roos, AC Frenzel, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2023
How does information consistency influence prospective teachers’ decisions about task difficulty assignments? A within-subject experiment to explain data-based decision-making …
T Kärner, J Warwas, M Krannich, N Weichsler
Learning and Instruction 74, 101440, 2021
Starting Tests With Easy Versus Difficult Tasks: Effects on Appraisals and Emotions
M Bieleke, T Goetz, M Krannich, AL Roos, T Yanagida
The Journal of Experimental Education, 1-19, 2021
T Götz, M Krannich, AL Roos, K Gogol
Swiss Journal of Educational Science 40 (3), 663-682, 2018
Technology acceptance of a mobile portfolio app for teacher education: Pre-service teachers views on multimedia-based note-taking and mentoring in internships
D Petko, A Cantieni, R Schmid, L Müller, M Krannich, K Michos
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 1-15, 2022
Our individual order of things directs how we think we feel
T Goetz, K Gogol, R Pekrun, AA Lipnevich, ES Becker, M Krannich, ...
Cognition and Emotion, 1-7, 2023
It’s boring I won’t do that: State and Trait boredom predicting students’ career aspirations
M Krannich, T Goetz, AA Lipnevich, AL Roos
AERA 2017 Annual Meeting, 2017
The effects of boredom due to being over-or underchallenged on students’ occupational choice intentions
M Krannich, T Götz, AA Lipnevich
2016 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2016
Test anxiety and physiological arousal: a systematic review
AL Roos, T Goetz, M Bieg, M Krannich, MH Donker, J Taxer
AERA 2017 Annual Meeting, 2017
Investigating the effect of task order on cognitive appraisals and achievement emotions
M Bieleke, T Goetz, M Krannich, AL Roos, T Yanagida
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