Rohit Bose
Rohit Bose
Graduate Student at University of Pittsburgh
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Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis based novel feature extraction technique for automated detection of focal and non‐focal electroencephalogram signals<? show [AQ ID …
S Chatterjee, S Pratiher, R Bose
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 11 (8), 1014-1021, 2017
Differential impact of autonomous vehicle malfunctions on human trust
M Seet, J Harvy, R Bose, A Dragomir, A Bezerianos, N Thakor
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 23 (1), 548-557, 2020
Cross-subject motor imagery tasks EEG signal classification employing multiplex weighted visibility graph and deep feature extraction
K Samanta, S Chatterjee, R Bose
IEEE Sensors Letters 4 (1), 1-4, 2019
Detection of epileptic seizure and seizure‐free EEG signals employing generalised S‐transform
S Chatterjee, N Ray Choudhury, R Bose
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 11 (7), 847-855, 2017
Detection of epileptic seizure employing a novel set of features extracted from multifractal spectrum of electroencephalogram signals
R Bose, S Pratiher, S Chatterjee
IET Signal Processing 13 (2), 157-164, 2019
Decoding of pain perception using EEG signals for a real-time reflex system in prostheses: a case study
Z Tayeb, R Bose, A Dragomir, LE Osborn, NV Thakor, G Cheng
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5606, 2020
Regression-based continuous driving fatigue estimation: Toward practical implementation
R Bose, H Wang, A Dragomir, NV Thakor, A Bezerianos, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 12 (2), 323-331, 2019
Classification of lower limb motor imagery using K Nearest Neighbor and Naïve-Bayesian classifier
S Bhaduri, A Khasnobish, R Bose, DN Tibarewala
2016 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Information …, 2016
Sensory stimulation enhances phantom limb perception and movement decoding
LE Osborn, K Ding, MA Hays, R Bose, MM Iskarous, A Dragomir, Z Tayeb, ...
Journal of neural engineering 17 (5), 056006, 2020
Cross-correlation based feature extraction from EMG signals for classification of neuro-muscular diseases
R Bose, K Samanta, S Chatterjee
2016 international conference on intelligent control power and …, 2016
Towards machine to brain interfaces: sensory stimulation enhances sensorimotor dynamic functional connectivity in upper limb amputees
K Ding, A Dragomir, R Bose, LE Osborn, MS Seet, A Bezerianos, ...
Journal of neural engineering 17 (3), 035002, 2020
Performance analysis of left and right lower limb movement classification from EEG
R Bose, A Khasnobish, S Bhaduri, DN Tibarewala
2016 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated …, 2016
EEG-based classification of olfactory response to pleasant stimuli
NI Abbasi, R Bose, A Bezerianos, NV Thakor, A Dragomir
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
Detection of myopathy and ALS electromyograms employing modified window Stockwell transform
S Chatterjee, K Samanta, NR Choudhury, R Bose
IEEE Sensors Letters 3 (7), 1-4, 2019
Detection of epilepsy based on discrete wavelet transform and Teager-Kaiser energy operator
S Badani, S Saha, A Kumar, S Chatterjee, R Bose
2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 164-167, 2017
Restoration of sensory feedback from the foot and reduction of phantom limb pain via closed-loop spinal cord stimulation
AC Nanivadekar, R Bose, BA Petersen, EV Okorokova, D Sarma, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 8 (8), 992-1003, 2024
Focal epileptic area recognition employing cross eeg rhythm spectrum images and convolutional neural network
S Modak, SS Roy, R Bose, S Chatterjee
IEEE sensors journal 21 (20), 23335-23343, 2021
Analyzing text recognition from tactually evoked EEG
A Khasnobish, S Datta, R Bose, DN Tibarewala, A Konar
Cognitive Neurodynamics 11, 501-513, 2017
Cross spectrum aided deep feature extraction based neuromuscular disease detection framework
SS Roy, K Samanta, S Modak, S Chatterjee, R Bose
IEEE Sensors Letters 4 (6), 1-4, 2020
Stimulation of the dorsal root ganglion using an Injectrode®
AN Dalrymple, JE Ting, R Bose, JK Trevathan, S Nieuwoudt, SF Lempka, ...
Journal of neural engineering 18 (5), 056068, 2021
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Articles 1–20