G K leaf
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Cited by
Numerical simulation of vortex dynamics in type-II superconductors
WD Gropp, HG Kaper, GK Leaf, DM Levine, M Palumbo, VM Vinokur
Journal of Computational Physics 123 (2), 254-266, 1996
Magnetic normal modes in ferromagnetic nanoparticles: A dynamical matrix approach
M Grimsditch, L Giovannini, F Montoncello, F Nizzoli, GK Leaf, HG Kaper
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (5), 054409, 2004
Bifurcation of pulsating and spinning reaction fronts in condensed two-phase combustion
SB Margolis, HG Kaper, GK Leaf, BJ Matkowsky
COMBUST. SCI. AND TECH., 43 (3-4), 127-165, 1985
Enhanced pinning with controlled splay configurations of columnar defects; rapid vortex motion at large angles
L Krusin-Elbaum, AD Marwick, R Wheeler, C Feild, VM Vinokur, GK Leaf, ...
Physical review letters 76 (14), 2563, 1996
Normal modes of spin excitations in magnetic nanoparticles
M Grimsditch, GK Leaf, HG Kaper, DA Karpeev, RE Camley
Physical Review B 69 (17), 174428, 2004
Wavelet-Galerkin discretization of hyperbolic equations
JM Restrepo, GK Leaf
Journal of Computational Physics 122 (1), 118-128, 1995
Inner product computations using periodized Daubechies wavelets
JM Restrepo, GK Leaf
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 40 (19), 3557-3578, 1997
Sputter-induced surface composition changes in alloys
NQ Lam, GK Leaf, H Wiedersich
Journal of Nuclear Materials 88 (2-3), 289-298, 1980
Structure of a moving vortex lattice
DW Braun, GW Crabtree, HG Kaper, AE Koshelev, GK Leaf, DM Levine, ...
Physical review letters 76 (5), 831, 1996
Benchmark values for the slab and sphere criticality problem in one-group neutron transport theory
HG Kaper, AJ Lindeman, GK Leaf
Nuclear Science and Engineering 54 (1), 94-99, 1974
Circumventing storage limitations in variational data assimilation studies
JM Restrepo, GK Leaf, A Griewank
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 19 (5), 1586-1605, 1998
Numerical simulations of driven vortex systems
GW Crabtree, DO Gunter, HG Kaper, AE Koshelev, GK Leaf, VM Vinokur
Physical Review B 61 (2), 1446, 2000
Dynamic origin of stripe domains
G Leaf, H Kaper, M Yan, V Novosad, P Vavassori, RE Camley, ...
Physical review letters 96 (1), 017201, 2006
Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau simulations of vortex guidance by twin boundaries
GW Crabtree, GK Leaf, HG Kaper, VM Vinokur, AE Koshelev, DW Braun, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 263 (1-4), 401-408, 1996
Spin-wave modes in a cobalt square vortex: Micromagnetic simulations
M Yan, G Leaf, H Kaper, R Camley, M Grimsditch
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (1), 014425, 2006
A timing comparison study for some high order finite element approximation procedures and a low order finite difference approximation procedure for the numerical solution of …
HG Kaper, GK Leaf, AJ Lindeman
Nuclear Science and Engineering 49 (1), 27-48, 1972
Forces on particles in oscillatory boundary layers
PF Fischer, GK Leaf, JM Restrepo
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 468, 327-347, 2002
DISPL: a software package for one and two spatially dimensioned kinetics-diffusion problems
GK Leaf, T Bleakney, M Minkoff, J Saltzman, DC Sørensen, GD Byrne
CM-P00068621, 1978
Mechanisms and kinetics of ion implantation
NQ Lam, GK Leaf
Journal of Materials Research 1 (2), 251-267, 1986
Initial value problems for the Carleman equation
HG Kaper, GK Leaf
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Articles 1–20