Flow experience in game based learning–a systematic literature review A Perttula, K Kiili, A Lindstedt, P Tuomi | 208 | 2017 |
Using video games to combine learning and assessment in mathematics education. K Kiili, K Devlin, A Perttula, P Tuomi, A Lindstedt International Journal of Serious Games 2 (4), 2015 | 116 | 2015 |
Coding skills as a success factor for a society P Tuomi, J Multisilta, P Saarikoski, J Suominen Education and Information Technologies 23, 419-434, 2018 | 110 | 2018 |
Teacher’s perceptions and readiness to teach coding skills: A comparative study between Finland, Mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea L Wu, CK Looi, J Multisilta, ML How, H Choi, TC Hsu, P Tuomi The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 29, 21-34, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
Gamified coding: Toy robots and playful learning in early education K Heljakka, P Ihamäki, P Tuomi, P Saarikoski 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Exerbraining for schools: Combining body and brain training K Kiili, PTA Perttula Procedia Computer Science 15, 163-173, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |
MoViE: Experiences and attitudes-Learning with a mobile social video application P Tuomi, J Multisilta Digital Culture & Education 2 (2), 165-189, 2010 | 25 | 2010 |
Users as sensors: creating shared experiences in co-creational spaces by collective heart rate A Perttula, P Tuomi, M Suominen, A Koivisto, J Multisilta Proceedings of the 14th International Academic MindTrek Conference …, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Development of multiplayer exertion games for physical education K Kiili, A Perttula, P Tuomi IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet 8 (1), 52-69, 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
SMS-based human-hosted interactive TV in Finland P Tuomi Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Designing interactive …, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
Designing mobile multiplayer exergames for physical education K Kiili, A Perttula, P Tuomi, M Suominen, A Lindstedt Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, Mobile Learning 2010 …, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Mobiilivideot oppimisen osana-kokemuksia MoVie-palvelusta kasavuoren koulussa P Tuomi, J Multisilta, LM Niemi Opetusteknologia koulun arjessa, 165-188, 2011 | 17 | 2011 |
Peleillä liikettä, luovuutta ja yhteisöllisyyttä koulupäivään K Kiili, P Tuomi, A Perttula, C Kiili Rajaton luokkahuone, 238-252, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Learner collaboration in digital game making: An emerging trend J Earp, F Dagnino, K Kiili, C Kiili, P Tuomi, N Whitton Learning & Teaching with Media & Technology 439, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
The convergence of tv and web (2.0) in Austria and Finland P Tuomi, S Bachmayer Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, 55-64, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Teaching educational game design: Expanding the game design mindset with instructional aspects K Kiili, P Tuomi Games and Learning Alliance: 8th International Conference, GALA 2019, Athens …, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
The role of the Traditional TV in the Age of Intermedial Media Spectacles P Tuomi Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, 5-14, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Gamifying facility service jobs-using personnel attitudes and perceptions for designing gamification. K Fager, P Tuomi, J Multisilta GamiFIN, 55-64, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Text-TV+ Twitter= a new form of social TV? P Tuomi Proceeding of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference, 249-254, 2012 | 8 | 2012 |
Understanding 21st century’s mobile device-based games within boundaries P Ihamäki, P Tuomi Proceedings of DiGRA 2009 Conference: Breaking New Ground: Innovation in …, 2009 | 8 | 2009 |