Hannu Maaheimo
Hannu Maaheimo
Senior scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
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Jasmonate signaling involves the abscisic acid receptor PYL4 to regulate metabolic reprogramming in Arabidopsis and tobacco
P Lackman, M González-Guzmán, S Tilleman, I Carqueijeiro, AC Pérez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201103010, 2011
NMR spectroscopic analysis of exopolysaccharides produced by Leuconostoc citreum and Weissella confusa
NH Maina, M Tenkanen, H Maaheimo, R Juvonen, L Virkki
Carbohydrate Research 343 (9), 1446-1455, 2008
Central carbon metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae explored by biosynthetic fractional 13C labeling of common amino acids
H Maaheimo, J Fiaux, ZP Çakar, JE Bailey, U Sauer, T Szyperski
European Journal of Biochemistry 268 (8), 2464-2479, 2001
A multi-level study of recombinant Pichia pastoris in different oxygen conditions
K Baumann, M Carnicer, M Dragosits, AB Graf, J Stadlmann, P Jouhten, ...
BMC systems biology 4 (1), 141, 2010
Oxygen dependence of metabolic fluxes and energy generation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN. PK113-1A
P Jouhten, E Rintala, A Huuskonen, A Tamminen, M Toivari, M Wiebe, ...
BMC systems biology 2 (1), 60, 2008
Metabolic flux profiling of recombinant protein secreting Pichia pastoris growing on glucose: methanol mixtures
J Jordà, P Jouhten, E Cámara, H Maaheimo, J Albiol, P Ferrer
Microbial cell factories 11 (1), 57, 2012
Metabolic flux profiling of Pichia pastoris grown on glycerol/methanol mixtures in chemostat cultures at low and high dilution rates
A Sola, P Jouhten, H Maaheimo, F Sanchez-Ferrando, T Szyperski, ...
Microbiology 153 (1), 281-290, 2007
Amino acid biosynthesis and metabolic flux profiling of Pichia pastoris
A Solà, H Maaheimo, K Ylönen, P Ferrer, T Szyperski
European journal of biochemistry 271 (12), 2462-2470, 2004
Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for bioconversion of D-xylose to D-xylonate
M Toivari, Y Nygård, EP Kumpula, ML Vehkomäki, M Benčina, ...
Metabolic engineering 14 (4), 427-436, 2012
Acyl Group Migration and Cleavage in Selectively Protected β-d-Galactopyranosides as Studied by NMR Spectroscopy and Kinetic Calculations
MU Roslund, O Aitio, J Wärnå, H Maaheimo, DY Murzin, R Leino
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (27), 8769-8772, 2008
Complementary acceptor and site specificities of Fuc-TIV and Fuc-TVII allow effective biosynthesis of sialyl-TriLex and related polylactosamines present on glycoprotein …
R Niemelä, J Natunen, ML Majuri, H Maaheimo, J Helin, JB Lowe, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 (7), 4021-4026, 1998
The impact of fermentation with exopolysaccharide producing lactic acid bacteria on rheological, chemical and sensory properties of pureed carrots (Daucus carota L.)
R Juvonen, K Honkapää, NH Maina, Q Shi, K Viljanen, H Maaheimo, ...
International journal of food microbiology 207, 109-118, 2015
Central carbon metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in anaerobic, oxygen-limited and fully aerobic steady-state conditions and following a shift to anaerobic …
MG Wiebe, E Rintala, A Tamminen, H Simolin, L Salusjärvi, M Toivari, ...
FEMS Yeast research 8 (1), 140-154, 2008
Synthesis of a Divalent Sialyl Lewis x O‐glycan, a Potent Inhibitor of Lymphocyte‐Endothelium Adhesion: Evidence that Multivalency Enhances the Saccharide Binding to L‐selectin
H Maaheimo, R Renkonen, JP Turunen, L Penttilä, O Renkonen
European journal of biochemistry 234 (2), 616-625, 1995
Mapping the binding of synthetic disaccharides representing epitopes of chlamydial lipopolysaccharide to antibodies with NMR
H Maaheimo, P Kosma, L Brade, H Brade, T Peters
Biochemistry 39 (42), 12778-12788, 2000
Synthesis of a new nanomolar saccharide inhibitor of lymphocyte adhesion: different polylactosamine backbones present multiple sialyl Lewis x determinants to L-selectin in high …
O Renkonen, S Toppila, L Penttilä, H Salminen, J Helin, H Maaheimo, ...
Glycobiology 7 (4), 453-461, 1997
Impact of steam explosion on the wheat straw lignin structure studied by solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance and density functional methods
H Heikkinen, T Elder, H Maaheimo, S Rovio, J Rahikainen, K Kruus, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 62 (43), 10437-10444, 2014
The phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase also catalyzes C3 carboxylation at the interface of glycolysis and the TCA cycle of Bacillus subtilis
N Zamboni, H Maaheimo, T Szyperski, HP Hohmann, U Sauer
Metabolic engineering 6 (4), 277-284, 2004
Hydrolysis of konjac glucomannan by Trichoderma reesei mannanase and endoglucanases Cel7B and Cel5A for the production of glucomannooligosaccharides
A Mikkelson, H Maaheimo, TK Hakala
Carbohydrate research 372, 60-68, 2013
Evaluation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana SR1) hairy roots for the production of geraniol, the first committed step in terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway
A Ritala, L Dong, N Imseng, T Seppänen-Laakso, N Vasilev, ...
Journal of biotechnology 176, 20-28, 2014
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Articles 1–20