Veikko Jousmäki
Veikko Jousmäki
Aalto NeuroImaging, Aalto University
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Independent component approach to the analysis of EEG and MEG recordings
R Vigário, J Sarela, V Jousmiki, M Hamalainen, E Oja
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 47 (5), 589-593, 2000
Cognitive response profile of the human fusiform face area as determined by MEG
E Halgren, T Raij, K Marinkovic, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Cerebral cortex 10 (1), 69-81, 2000
Parchment-skin illusion: sound-biased touch
V Jousmäki, R Hari
Current biology 8 (6), R190-R191, 1998
Involvement of primary motor cortex in motor imagery: a neuromagnetic study
A Schnitzler, S Salenius, R Salmelin, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Neuroimage 6 (3), 201-208, 1997
Speaking modifies voice‐evoked activity in the human auditory cortex
G Curio, G Neuloh, J Numminen, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Human brain mapping 9 (4), 183-191, 2000
Task‐dependent modulation of 15‐30 Hz coherence between rectified EMGs from human hand and forearm muscles
JM Kilner, SN Baker, S Salenius, V Jousmäki, R Hari, RN Lemon
The Journal of physiology 516 (2), 559-570, 1999
Activation of a distributed somatosensory cortical network in the human brain. A dipole modelling study of magnetic fields evoked by median nerve stimulation. Part I: Location …
F Mauguiere, I Merlet, N Forss, S Vanni, V Jousmäki, P Adeleine, R Hari
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials …, 1997
Independent component analysis for identification of artifacts in magnetoencephalographic recordings
R Vigário, V Jousmäki, M Hämäläinen, R Hari, E Oja
Advances in neural information processing systems 10, 1997
Modulation of human cortical rolandic rhythms during natural sensorimotor tasks
S Salenius, A Schnitzler, R Salmelin, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Neuroimage 5 (3), 221-228, 1997
Vibration-induced auditory-cortex activation in a congenitally deaf adult
S Levänen, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Current Biology 8 (15), 869-872, 1998
Touch activates human auditory cortex
M Schürmann, G Caetano, Y Hlushchuk, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Neuroimage 30 (4), 1325-1331, 2006
Actor's and observer's primary motor cortices stabilize similarly after seen or heard motor actions
G Caetano, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (21), 9058-9062, 2007
Auditory sensory memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease: an event-related potential study
E Pekkonen, V Jousmäki, M Könönen, K Reinikainen, J Partanen
Neuroreport 5 (18), 2537-2540, 1994
Right-hemisphere preponderance of responses to painful CO2 stimulation of the human nasal mucosa
R Hari, K Portin, B Kettenmann, V Jousmäki, G Kobal
Pain 72 (1-2), 145-151, 1997
Effects of 45‐Hz magnetic fields on the functional state of the human brain
EB Lyskov, J Juutilainen, V Jousmäki, J Partanen, S Medvedev, ...
Bioelectromagnetics 14 (2), 87-95, 1993
The pace of prosodic phrasing couples the listener's cortex to the reader's voice
M Bourguignon, X De Tiege, MO De Beeck, N Ligot, P Paquier, ...
Human brain mapping 34 (2), 314-326, 2013
Temporal integration in auditory sensory memory: neuromagnetic evidence
N Loveless, S Levänen, V Jousmäki, M Sams, R Hari
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials …, 1996
Three hands: fragmentation of human bodily awareness
R Hari, R Hänninen, T Mäkinen, V Jousmäki, N Forss, M Seppä, ...
Neuroscience letters 240 (3), 131-134, 1998
Tactile information from the human hand reaches the ipsilateral primary somatosensory cortex
A Schnitzler, R Salmelin, S Salenius, V Jousmäki, R Hari
Neuroscience letters 200 (1), 25-28, 1995
Evidence of vibrotactile input to human auditory cortex
G Caetano, V Jousmäki
Neuroimage 29 (1), 15-28, 2006
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Articles 1–20