Leena Matikainen
Leena Matikainen
Specialist Research Scientist, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI)
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Cited by
Remote sensing methods for power line corridor surveys
L Matikainen, M Lehtomäki, E Ahokas, J Hyyppä, M Karjalainen, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing 119, 10-31, 2016
Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser scanner data for land cover classification and map updating
L Matikainen, K Karila, J Hyyppä, P Litkey, E Puttonen, E Ahokas
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 128, 298-313, 2017
Automatic detection of buildings and changes in buildings for updating of maps
L Matikainen, J Hyyppä, E Ahokas, L Markelin, H Kaartinen
Remote Sensing 2 (5), 1217-1248, 2010
An object-based approach for mapping shrub and tree cover on grassland habitats by use of LiDAR and CIR orthoimages
T Hellesen, L Matikainen
Remote Sensing 5 (2), 558-583, 2013
Automatic detection of buildings from laser scanner data for map updating
L Matikainen, J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2003
Accuracy of 3D city models: EuroSDR comparison
H Kaartinen, J Hyyppa, E Gülch, G Vosselman, H Hyyppä, L Matikainen, ...
ISPRS Workshop Laser Scanning 2005, 227-230, 2005
Measurement of directional and spectral signatures of light reflectance by snow
JI Peltoniemi, S Kaasalainen, J Naranen, L Matikainen, J Piironen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43 (10), 2294-2304, 2005
Segment-based land cover mapping of a suburban area—Comparison of high-resolution remotely sensed datasets using classification trees and test field points
L Matikainen, K Karila
Remote Sensing 3 (8), 1777-1804, 2011
Automatic detection of changes from laser scanner and aerial image data for updating building maps
L Matikainen, J Hyyppä, H Kaartinen
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci 35, 434-439, 2004
Snow monitoring using radar and optical satellite data
J Koskinen, S Metsämäki, J Grandell, S Jänne, L Matikainen, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 69 (1), 16-29, 1999
Deciduous-coniferous tree classification using difference between first and last pulse laser signatures
X Liang, J Hyyppä, L Matikainen
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2007
Classification tree based building detection from laser scanner and aerial image data
L Matikainen, H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2007
Feasibility of multispectral airborne laser scanning data for road mapping
K Karila, L Matikainen, E Puttonen, J Hyyppä
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (3), 294-298, 2017
Map updating and change detection using vehicle-based laser scanning
J Hyyppa, A Jaakkola, H Hyyppa, H Kaartinen, A Kukko, M Holopainen, ...
2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, 1-6, 2009
A test of automatic building change detection approaches
N Champion, F Rottensteiner, L Matikainen, X Liang, J Hyyppä, BP Olsen
Proceedings of CMRT09, 03-04, 2009
Power line mapping technique using all-terrain mobile laser scanning
M Lehtomäki, A Kukko, L Matikainen, J Hyyppä, H Kaartinen, A Jaakkola
Automation in Construction 105, 102802, 2019
Comparing features of single and multi-photon lidar in boreal forests
X Yu, A Kukko, H Kaartinen, Y Wang, X Liang, L Matikainen, J Hyyppä
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 168, 268-276, 2020
Multispectral airborne laser scanning for automated map updating
L Matikainen, J Hyyppä, P Litkey
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
Individual tree segmentation and species classification using high-density close-range multispectral laser scanning data
A Hakula, L Ruoppa, M Lehtomäki, X Yu, A Kukko, H Kaartinen, J Taher, ...
ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 9, 100039, 2023
Accuracy of high-pulse-rate laser scanners for digital target models
E Ahokas, H Kaartinen, L Matikainen, J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä
Observing Our Environment from Space-New Solutions for a New Millennium, 175-178, 2021
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Articles 1–20