Juha Suomalainen
Juha Suomalainen
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (@ National Land Survey of Finland)
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Cited by
Full waveform hyperspectral LiDAR for terrestrial laser scanning
T Hakala, J Suomalainen, S Kaasalainen, Y Chen
Optics express 20 (7), 7119-7127, 2012
Generation of spectral–temporal response surfaces by combining multispectral satellite and hyperspectral UAV imagery for precision agriculture applications
CM Gevaert, J Suomalainen, J Tang, L Kooistra
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
A review: Remote sensing sensors
L Zhu, J Suomalainen, J Liu, J Hyyppä, H Kaartinen, H Haggren
Multi-purposeful application of geospatial data 19, 2018
Improved estimation of leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll content of a potato crop using multi-angle spectral data–potential of unmanned aerial vehicle imagery
PPJ Roosjen, B Brede, JM Suomalainen, HM Bartholomeus, L Kooistra, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 66, 14-26, 2018
A lightweight hyperspectral mapping system and photogrammetric processing chain for unmanned aerial vehicles
J Suomalainen, N Anders, S Iqbal, G Roerink, J Franke, P Wenting, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (11), 11013-11030, 2014
Estimating plant traits of grasslands from UAV-acquired hyperspectral images: a comparison of statistical approaches
A Capolupo, L Kooistra, C Berendonk, L Boccia, J Suomalainen
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4 (4), 2792-2820, 2015
Radiometric calibration of LIDAR intensity with commercially available reference targets
S Kaasalainen, H Hyyppa, A Kukko, P Litkey, E Ahokas, J Hyyppa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47 (2), 588-598, 2008
Two-channel hyperspectral LiDAR with a supercontinuum laser source
Y Chen, E Räikkönen, S Kaasalainen, J Suomalainen, T Hakala, ...
Sensors 10 (7), 7057-7066, 2010
Study of surface brightness from backscattered laser intensity: Calibration of laser data
S Kaasalainen, E Ahokas, J Hyyppa, J Suomalainen
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2 (3), 255-259, 2005
Calibration of the Optech ALTM 3100 laser scanner intensity data using brightness targets
E Ahokas, S Kaasalainen, J Hyyppä, J Suomalainen
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci 36, 1-6, 2006
Polarised bidirectional reflectance factor measurements from soil, stones, and snow
J Peltoniemi, T Hakala, J Suomalainen, E Puttonen
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 110 (17), 1940-1953, 2009
Fast and nondestructive method for leaf level chlorophyll estimation using hyperspectral LiDAR
O Nevalainen, T Hakala, J Suomalainen, R Mäkipää, M Peltoniemi, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 198, 250-258, 2014
Tree species classification from fused active hyperspectral reflectance and LIDAR measurements
E Puttonen, J Suomalainen, T Hakala, E Räikkönen, H Kaartinen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (10), 1843-1852, 2010
Acquisition of bidirectional reflectance factor dataset using a micro unmanned aerial vehicle and a consumer camera
T Hakala, J Suomalainen, JI Peltoniemi
Remote Sensing 2 (3), 819-832, 2010
Polarised multiangular reflectance measurements using the finnish geodetic institute field goniospectrometer
J Suomalainen, T Hakala, J Peltoniemi, E Puttonen
Sensors 9 (05), 3891-3907, 2009
Direct reflectance measurements from drones: Sensor absolute radiometric calibration and system tests for forest reflectance characterization
T Hakala, L Markelin, E Honkavaara, B Scott, T Theocharous, ...
Sensors 18 (5), 1417, 2018
Feasibility of unmanned aerial vehicle optical imagery for early detection and severity assessment of late blight in potato
MHD Franceschini, H Bartholomeus, DF Van Apeldoorn, J Suomalainen, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (3), 224, 2019
Comparing terrestrial laser scanning and unmanned aerial vehicle structure from motion to assess top of canopy structure in tropical forests
S Roşca, J Suomalainen, H Bartholomeus, M Herold
Interface focus 8 (2), 20170038, 2018
Coupling forest canopy and understory reflectance in the Arctic latitudes of Finland
M Rautiainen, J Suomalainen, M Mõttus, P Stenberg, P Voipio, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 110 (3), 332-343, 2007
Classification of spruce and pine trees using active hyperspectral LiDAR
J Vauhkonen, T Hakala, J Suomalainen, S Kaasalainen, O Nevalainen, ...
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10 (5), 1138-1141, 2013
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Articles 1–20